absent 70% is mad if you like it and i do lots dont?
iv tride 67% white rum woks very well
and woods 100 is 57% i think and i have had it rill nice
i dont no if this will start aney think of? but do you like helter skelter? like mark eg. sy. hixy. mzone. you no wot i meen? i think its the best that and slaming vinyl thanks:evil:
no way i mite watch 2? if i can stil sea? haveint herd of midnight experss so il have to find it thanks:hump: ps im at the bit in nicedreams when its 2 men 1 women and the pigs are woching
i stil think its funy and the last time i sal one was 10 yer ago but its a relaxt funy? but its good to see al that green? lol you dont see that much in comdy:blsmoke:
iv just down lowdid al the cheech and chong films did not no there was 6 of them?:joint: and im just about to woch nicedreams fucking mad and im rily stond pist to.the thing is doz any one have any favrut marijuana films??? id love to no?:blsmoke:
iv just down lowdid al the cheech and chong films did not no there was 6 of them?:joint: and im just about to woch nicedreams fucking mad and im rily stond pist to.the thing is doz any one have any favrut marijuana films??? id love to no?:blsmoke: