Yea, chill on the nutes. If your using distilled or RO then you need to add a very little amount of cal/mag otherwise tap should be fine for your plants at this stage. Let tap sit out a bit to let chlorine evap.
Hey, nice to see someone around the same time as me and almost the same size... I would post pics but not trying to hijack your thread. But they look good. Mine are 33 days from seed and they they are about 9 inches tall, 12 inches wide and 10 or so nodes. Hope this gives ya something to...
Are you serious? Im not saying there isnt good music, but would you not agree biggie or 2pac should have at least been in the top 40 posts? Come on, it's the truth why are you mad?
So i guess this "new stuff" isnt anything like those? In that case I probably dont want it. I was looking for a place that had those though... Where could I get ahold of 018? Any ideas?
You guys sound ridiculous, and im not trying to be offensive. But seriously you guys act like this shit is like crack or heroin. I have used various research chemicals from 018 to 081 to 250 to URI-100 to some rca's. I have taken them since they began to surface like 10 years ago. I have...
Hey guys, while im growing my bud I wouldnt mind taking some 018. I used to buy it awhile back before it got banned and loved it. Havent been able to find anyone who sells any research chems anymore. Does anyone have a reputable seller? Has anyone bought some since the blanket ban? I would...
I dont know what much is but yes they have been put through some stress. Initially dealt with defficiency and then some dying spots from humidifier. After that I lollipopped one of the plants and fimmed it as well. So yes, one of the plants has and the other not so much. I understand we are...