I had 2 600 watt systems, but one was down. I had finally tracked down the credit card info for it and was gonna go return it for a BRAND NEW one but nope. Not happeneing now.
They never brought the dog in. The cup was sitting on the stove(had been for weeks) in plain sight. Maybe he just looked over it or left it on purpose. Who knows. They left/missed a bunch of random stuff.Least I still have SOME of my equip. Not that I have a single complete lighting system. Got...
As it stands now, we belive the snitch to be someone who also got busted for growing. 'cept he had over 100 plants.
I'd rather not give the state. Not that I really think that it would make a fuck. All RIU shows i've done is grown a small amount of pot.
Fuck it. NOthing else to do.Don't even have any rolling papers. Gonna pack a cig paper with it. GOD DAMIT IT YA"LL. I feel like a fucking martyr(and an idiot). This is such bull shit.
So, the cops left a styrophone container with the some small buds I used to make ISO with. Some of the buds have trichomes still on them. I smoked some last night and it definelty tasted weak.
Does anyone here have any expereince smoking left over ISO bud? Opinions?
I hope one day to be a caregiver. I did it because its great. Growing my own herb naturally, organically. No funding of criminal enterprises. Its a medicine good for a very many aliments.
Maybe I am niave. I don't ever do people wrong. I'm a good person. I help other people out.I don't party or act crazy.....
Sucks not to have some plants going. I'm still not over that part.The empty room. This was my 1st time revegging. I had great results.She was gonna be a monster for sure.
I"m sorry but I just don't feel like I'm so bad of a criminal. All i was doing was growing pot. I didn't give them any trouble. Why would leave me a bunch of odds and ends just to come back and arrest me or charge me again.
I"m not saying that your parinoa isn't unfounded. Its good in these...