I'm very glad they didn't arrest me today. I don't have the cash to get bonded out. But I will in a week :-D If there is a God, he sure showed me some grace today.
I'm not sure why they rated me out. But my buddy got busted at the same time. And he got a weeks reprieve as well. Druggies do...
Oh and let this serve as a very good example to those of you who share your grow with shady people. Someone most definitely snitched my ass out.Its what I get for messing around with stupid druggies.
It was crazy. They didn't even arrest me because the jail is full. Told me I had about a week and he was gonna call me and have me turn myself in. Then i'll bond myself out. They took most everything though. Both hoods and ballast. My 150 sunsystem....my inline fan...but get this shit- they left...
You can do a 1/2 harvest and then flower some more. A lot of people do it. Depending on strain it may take a week or more for the plant to recover from a partial harvest and to start flowering again.
Probably close enough to done for you to pull her. HOw many weeks has she flowered? I've found that "done" is a very relative term depending on how you want the high to be. I've got a Sweet deep Grapefruit i'm gonna chop a week or so early.
Got me 3 or 4 1mg klonopins and working on my 3rd beer. Won't go into details, but thats got me feeling super right. PLUS I got a packed Silver Game Ciggerelo just waiting to be lit. ICE and some preemie superbud
I don't do alcohol or the benzo's very often but I do like to indulge Evey now and...
Wanna know whats disturbing to me? That so many people care about it. Such a big ordeal over things that plays NO part in any of our lives. So sad about NC. Knew thats how the cards were gonna fall though.
I'm smoking on a packed Game Silver, by Garcia Vega. Premie ICE with a little in the tip of a sample of my SDG and a little keif. This shit smokes sooooo smooth.Even with some harsh, yet dank,greenery in it. And burns SLOOOOOW.
They could still be closer I think. You'll know for sure if they start stretching But that looks good for now. You'll need more CFL's to flower. Remember that only actual watts matter. Not the equivalent. Lowes and HomeDepot both have good selections of bigger cfl's and reflectors for them. You...
I could be wrong. It was in an article done by the Rev in a Skunk magazine. And I actually think I let this bitch ass ex friend borrow it. I'm gonna look around the net and see what i can find.
Was also told buy the owner of the store I go to that some companies aren't putting that on the...
I've used a ltr of Bio Buzz once. I got good results. But I don't think that line of bio products are 100%organic. I think they have chealted salts in them.
What kind of lights?
I've had that problem many times. I"ve gotten to the point now where I'm either running a 1-3 per 600 or I'm going to run wall to wall(which i haven't done yet)