I don't know why anyone would mix tobacco with weed. I used to roll blunts alot right after highschool, however now like 10 years later, it makes me sick. Ruins the taste. Especially $60 an 8th shit. Pointless.
I AGREE! I've had disagreements with people on here but I would never give negative rep because someone else's opinion is different from mine. And you can quote me on that! That's what this is for, so people can say what they feel.
He didn't know it was cash until he OPENED the box. It could have been 2 lbs of Purple or 2 lbs of toasters... The point is, who takes a box from a "suspicious person" and then opens it?! He had negative intentions from the beginning. If the guy who actually HANDED him the box and started a...
Thanks man! I'm sure she will be looking crazy in less than that! The pistils grow in the 100's once it reaches a certain point! It's a beautiful thing...:mrgreen:
HELL YEAH!! Just watching her everyday we are in amazement! She's getting taller and her little side branches are getting thick and strong. They are starting to get so big they are dwarfing out the fan leaves! The main stalk is starting to "disappear", getting covered with leaves and budsites...
Hey M420... Where's the Florida Crypt at??? Do you know? That shit was some of the most amazing shit I ever smoked! HEAVY!! About $200 an ounce here in the mid-atlantic/east coast for commercial regs... Sinsemilla anywhere from $350 - $550. From what I've seen.
You use 25ml per gallon of water. Doesn't say to Foliar feed so i'm not doing that. It measures the 25ml out for you so it's very easy to measure out and pour into a gallon jug. We add 2 tablespoons of Molasses to the mixture as well to fatten up the nuggs. We are feeding back to back then...
Damn! Dude, that's like High Times cover bud! You definitely know what you're doing man! Kudos!! Seeing shit like that reminds us why we grow!!! It's so BEAUTIFUL to watch it actually grow. Not just some gorgeous nuggs in a bag. Shit you grew yourself. You must be proud!
Very, very, nice...
I dunno. What I do know is, without Ron Paul, where we ARE going isn't good! He's the only real CHANGE and he's the only one who UNDERSTANDS democracy and how the Constitution is supposed to work for the People. Bush wipes his ass with the Constitution.
Actually, We don't know. It came from an Orange Crush however when we planted two seeds from the same Orange Crush plant we got 2 different Kush plants! I'm guessing, from pics I've seen, it's either Purple Kush or maybe BellaDonna?? I've seen BellaDonna pics with purple stems like ours. As she...
Thanks man! Yeah I'm waiting for her to really take off. She's gonna be dense I think. Our Orange Crush is WICKED Frosty already and she just popped pistils yesterday! It's crazy. :blsmoke:
You could have said "NO." Made up some shit about company policy, not picking shit up off street corners. Could have been a severed head for all you knew. You didn't have to get someone busted. Yeah Karma is a bitch.
No I don't HATE alot of people. I HATE people who do shit like YOU DID. Don't get it twisted. I HATE SNITCHES AND THIEVES. Get that straight. And I'm sure many in here would agree with me! What are you doing in here anyway? To snitch on people and get people busted? You got balls braggin' about...
Whatever works. My wife can't roll so she uses a roller. It always burns evenly. I used one for a while just cuz I liked they way the joint came out, consistent everytime. But, it took me longer so I just roll by hand now. I roll so much my joints come out pretty damn good most the time. I hope...