I know someone that works for FedEx and I KNOW they don't use dogs... within the mainland I know they don't. Hawaii I'm sure you are right, but just foodsaver. you'll be fine. ALWAYS FOODSAVER. Even when you are driving or delivering more than an 8th. It's worth it making sure you're ass is...
USPS DOES have dogs, FedEx doesn't but they have the right to open any package at any time. Just so you know. However, if it's not a suspicious package, you got nothing to worry about.
FOODSAVER - Dogs can't smell thru it... Bottom Line. You could even foodsaver it and stick it in a bottle of conditioner or economy size bottle of baby powder. I brought an ounce IN MY LUGGAGE foodsavered inside a bottle of babypowder. Dump half of it out, put the weed in, funnel it back in...
Post office is cheaper but, I've had shit disappear with them. LITERALLY. Sent out a package and it never came. That's going on 3 years ago. I've long moved from that address and nothing ever happened to me. I HIGHLY recommend FedEx. Their tracking is more updated and accurate and ultimately you...
I noticed from your very first picture of the entire plant... If I may make a suggestion... It seems like a very small pot for the size of the plant. That can make it male or hermi because the roots stay small and the plant thinks it's in a tiny space. More likely turn male or be male. We use 5...
From my experience they are around the same. For example, I was looking for a great site for Blueberry seeds. I found Blueberry is very expensive. The one site had them for 65 pounds and then another 45. For us Americans that pretty much means double the pounds... So if it's 45 pounds it's...
dope-seeds has great customer service as well. I ordered them Sat and I've spoken to the owner of the site twice already. He personally handles orders. I'm not knocking Dr Chronic at all... I'm just saying this site does too. :mrgreen: :bigjoint:
I agree with my CannaBitch :mrgreen: Not only did they have an ENORMOUS selection, (you can get any strain from any name, EX: Nirvana, Dutch Passion, LowRyder. They also have their own strain... Dope-Seeds Seedbank... Where they are working on some SICK Auto-Flowering strains. You guys have to...
I'll have to check that out too and see if that's true. It wouldn't surprise me but I've never been pulled over in GA so I can't argue that. Me personally, I never ash in the car, always out the window. So, hopefully i'll never be in that situation - getting my ashes tested. Damn State Police!
Joints are most DEFINITELY a way of LIFE! Haha! Well spoken! Except the grinder part... I have to trap my Keif!!! Keif is a best kept secret. You can do so much with it! :weed:
Shit, I can't even tell you how many generations this one roach we have is... Gotta be over 20! It's been going for close to 6 months! Roll up the roaches, then smoke it down. You get one left, then get more weed, keep smoking and keep getting more roaches.
Also I hope you guys realize that...
My Mom has been a NY Police Officer for 19 years. They have some of the most SOPHISTICATED equipment in the world. I have NEVER had her tell me they test ash for THC. She keeps me informed on new methods cuz she knows my lifestyle. She has told me of them wiping the windshields of Semi's to see...
Yeah I wasn't trying to disrespect anyone. I just find out along the years, the more people I meet that smoke bowls just don't know how to roll or just don't care to. I'd rather smoke a joint while driving cuz it looks like a ciggarette if you smoke it like one (holding it like a cigg). It's...
you can go to www.bambu.com and order them there. UPS delivers them within a few days of ordering. They don't sell them at gas stations unfortunately. It costs us around $30 including shipping for a box of 25 individual packs of papers. About 33 leafs in each pack so it should last you quite a...
I have another question then... How many people on here that smoke bongs and bowls, know how to roll? I'm not talking with a roller or any assistance. I'm mean with your own two hands? Anybody?? I know some of you may not care to know because you don't like joints, but i'm wondering if most...
Maybe so but you are wasting your time smoking ash. There's no THC in it i'm sorry, I have to disagree. If that's the case, should I then save all my ashes in the ashtray and put them in a bowl and smoke them? Doesn't make sense to me. But, hey man as long as you are getting stoned... That's...