Checked out your gallery man, good shit! LOL I like that "more colas than pepsi" line... cracked me up! but shit you did get some great colas... I'm about to upload some current pics of Killer. Can't WAIT for you guys to see these... yeah, yeah, yeah! :blsmoke:
I have a basic question about HID systems... I'm looking on EBAY for a MH/HPS switchable setup and I found one I am extremely interested in. However, I'm in a 2x3 growing space. It's a 400w setup. I wanted to use a 150w or 175w max. due to heat issues... If I buy a 400w system, can I use LOWER...
My highest temps are around 86 degrees. We have a homemade CO2 jug in there and that seems to be helping alot. It's been in there since the 16th. I'm positive they are starving. It's our first grow but I know these Canna products and the molasses will help. Soon to add a swamp cooler as well...
If you have any extra light fixtures or lamps lying around that you aren't using, you could buy a bunch of CFL's for under 20$ and try that for lighting... Save yourself a bunch of money.
We bought some Canna Terra Flores, which is specifically made for Cannabis, added that with some molasses and fed them today. I haven't fed them other than the time release fert. that was in the growing medium. I'm positive now they are just STARVING for nutes. I used epsom salt in water and...
I really don't see a MAJOR FUCKING PROBLEM with my font first of all. It is a NORMAL SIZE. And second of all if you didn't come in with that snobby attitude maybe you would have gotten a NICER RESPONSE. You came in right off talking SHIT which you didn't even spell right. I don't need your...
Our one indica is 21 days into flowering and she started developing weird shit on the outsides of the fan leaves. On the serrated part working inward. Does anyone know what the hell this is? I'm baffled... Been looking at pics of sick plants but can't seem to pinpoint this one... Would...
So this is the latest verdict. After more research and some guidance from an avid Canna Terra user, the proper amount of CANNA Terra Flores is 25ml per 1 Gallon of water. Luckily enough the people over at CANNA designed a bottle that measures it out for you so after all, it's VERY simple and...
Yeah, that's what I thought... If I went by that I would probably burn them to death with nutes. I'm thinking maybe a teaspoon or tablespoon per gallon of water. I'm wondering if that's about right. I'm not going to do anything til I'm absolutely sure of how much to do. Thanks tho... I...
Thanks Jock!
I thought that calculator was for hydro only... My bad... So then for tank size - I just put 5 Gallon? I'm growing them in 5 Gallon Paint buckets... So I put 5 in TANK SIZE and Gallons as Units? Or do I go by the Gallon of Water that i'm using to water them? I am so terrible with...
I just wrote him and asked him how to apply this stuff. We got it yesterday and no where on the bottle does it say how to apply it. It didn't come with any info leaflet either. I need to know how much to use, what to use it in, and how to apply it. Foliar feed? or do I put it in the water when...
Hey man, thanks for the link. I came across that a few days ago. I see where it says I should use 50 - 65ml. But it doesn't say with what - water? If so how much water? A gallon? You know what I mean? This is very frustrating to have a great product and not know how to use it! I thought, just...