Yea, But really it is pretty cool. You can take the leaf off and use the hole as a carb. Or keep it on and smoke. Also the leaf hides the bowl. And i can wear it to places and keep the pot in the lid so i dont have to carry a baggy of it with me. But how do you get it to stay on the belt?
Wow look at this, it is a belt buckle of a hammer i guess, with a pot lead on it AND it is a pipe WITH a goddamn lid!
Belt Buckles
Die Cut Bronze Tobacco Pipe (Functional) With Green & Black Enamel Filled Pot Leaf Metal Attachment Buckle...
Yea man in a year im gonna get a pick up, and a camper and get the fuck out and park the camper down at lake juno, cause in a year well you know....
I also love asian women :D
But, my family is fucked up. I cant wait to get out.
Yes, but my uncle is my idol, smokes pot with me, teaches me guitar and stuff and he doesnt like blacks, but he hates mexicans. I think he might make a exception for a nice b girl that acts like she has some sence.
Any one know a website that has a keychain pipe, preferably one that is in disguise, like a wooden piece kinda. I wanna put it on a chain and wear it, the chicks ell be grinding me like crazy.
Well, i like black women. My family are kinda raciest. What the fuck should i do, i dont wanna bring a black girls home and say this is my gf. Then my grandmother would dis own me.