ive had to get a cat rescue license cuzz my kids brought home every sick kitty they saw, we would get them healthy again but very few were adopted from us. ive spent a small fortune on spay and nutering over the years,the kids are all grown up now so the cat population was dwindling, till...
i was a bigtime bagseeder until i started letting a few plants go to seed now and then, now my best bagseeds have made babys,and they are now acclimated so now they grow even better
i see rap as a crude form of music, i admit that ive heard some rap that i like but ive noticed that like all genres it stated out crude but over the years the artists get better and the music gets better, think about it, blues began with slaves beatin to the rythem of chain gangs. thing...
let me tell ya a little story 'bout a head who went to amsterdam
25 years after leaving viet nam
he smoked and he toked but wasnt impressed......
went back to caliphony where they grow it the best
widow that is....white widow
dam , that was a big bowl!