lol, as a musician ive had some experience with stalkers.last summer some girl saw my band at the torch club in sacramento. after the show she came up to me and acted like we had known each other for years.then she started showing up at shows in tahoe and even the bay area, it was getting...
in kona i took my family to a nice italian recteraunt and when we were done i asked for 2 piza box's for the leftover pizza.when i opened the boxes there were roaches in both box's. so i said thats gonna hurt your tip, the waiter just smiled. when i went to pay i found out the tip comes out...
prop them up, give them some wind, a fan blowing gently on them will toughen up the stalks and put the light closer, they'll be fine
between 68 and 80 degrees seems to be optimal for my plants......70 is ok
it can definatly be a true test of ones patience 2b sure,harvesting i wait till no less than 75-80% of the pistols are amber, and if the lower buds arnt ready you can wait on those to turn gold
i do a few plants for seed every year, dont know what strain they are except i know its indica, but it seems the seeds get better every year, climatized??