Well-Known Member
You ring a lot of warning bells Babs, just so you know.And obviously, you must be retarded if you can't understand the difference in context I've been using the word in. Not to mention I am honestly (whether you believe it or not) concerned with your mental state. You ring a lot of warning bells Babs, just so you know.
To your claim that everything in Islam was coppied "from the Jews", which according to you is "historical fact"... (source?). Are you trying to tell me that Christianity is completely original? Is that what you're saying? Also, if it was coppied "from the Jews", then shouldn't you be bitching just as much about Judaism??? Telling all of us how insanely wrong and crazy Jews are? How dangerous they are? How they wish to take over the WORLD?!
If you can look at the teachings of Christianity and not see the hypocricy involved, then what on earth makes you think I would think you even understand what that word means?
You wanna know what is the BIGGEST most epic piece of hypocricy I've EVER come across?... Ready?... Wait for it.... ..... .........
"Thou shalt not kill" - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Good one God!
Yeah Pada, I'm secretly holding meetings every week at my church making plans to kill the muslims....still haven't decided on the color of my crusade robe though. Any suggestions for the name of this movement?

Pada, you don't know me. Off the top of my head, I am thinking about two very extreme muslims I know.....and despite their support of jihad, Ahmadinejad, al-qaeda, their defense and very illogical defense of Mo.. I can still seperate their extremist views and joke around with them. I wonder just how many of you would remain "tolerant" and balanced to do the same after engaging in conversations with extremists so many times. One, btw, lives in London and is on America's watch shit. He will never be able to get on a plane to fly here. Take a guess why I would be cynical when called a racist.
It wasn't copied verbatim. He just switched up a few things here and there to his liking..starting with God's covenant with Abraham, as stated via OT. They threw in some extras...Jesus talks as a baby. Jesus comes back, marries and has children....list is endless..very conveniently changes the covenant with his lineage. Oh, and OF COURSE Mecca was not enough to claim as their "holy land"......conveniently MUCH later suggested that now Israel too MUST be "their" entitled holy land.....not along with Jews, theirs period-------because mo flew off on a horse from there to go to heaven.
No, this man wasn't screwing with the Jews then or from his grave, was he?
Don't tell me you've been sold on this theory that Jews control the world too.
Why would you need me to site proof that Mohammad twisted the Bible? The books themselves aren't proof enough for you?
Let's see, you are giving credence to the PROOF that Christianity was false via Constantine.........but when scrolls are found dating back to 68 AD, that doesn't serve as proof?
What? You don't consider historians to be logical either?
I love how the word logic is thrown at me left and right.
Ironically, Muhammad, a muslim boy found the book of Isaiah in a cave ......"proved to be word for word identical with our standard Hebrew Bible in more than 95 per cent of the text. The five per cent of variation consisted chiefly of obvious slips of the pen and variations in spelling"
I can forgive that many years a 5% discrepancy. For the record, it is IN the book of Isaiah where the coming of Christ is foretold.
OR, maybe Oregon Meds is on to something...perhaps they were just psychic.