IMO and not to play devils advocate, but I think that you don't have to quit all together. Just cut back a lot for a few days. Whenever I go from my 4 or 5gs a day to 1g or less. And stay at that low amount for a week(even less sometimes) my tolerance goes way down.
I don't have anything against the police. They are a necessity of the civilized world. Law and order and all that stuff. Although they are just people, so they can be assholes.
I have a good dad. Hard worker, loving.He use to do drugs back in the day but hasn't done em since before I was born. He even quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey after like 20 years. He was at 2 packs a day. He is without a doubt the most caring person I know. I feel for people who don't have...
IMHO I don't see why they would. IMHO it seems like it would be too time consuming for em. BESIDES! I'm not cooking up crack or meth.
Not supporting terrorism gangs or violence. Hell, I'm working AGAINST all those bad people! Now I don't have to buy pot that may come from bad people. I grow...
Know how you feel. I'm still in awe of the Bubba Kush I grew. It was some magnificent stuff.
Leave em in a paper bag with the top open. When you get back(they should be crisp on outside)seal em up. Then they get moist again, then you let em dry out....and goes the cycle til they are done! Not...
Don't act on someone elses advice on this one. Use your own judgment. YOU are the only one with all the pieces to the puzzle. We don't have no instruction book for this life...
Good luck brotha...