lol anyone that likes to get high is a kid :D, even if you are trust me, its better than someone calling you a old person or somthin. Cause really, if a group of teens see you smokin a joint are they gonna call you old man?
Taking some dexamphetamine, thus making you stay up for 3 days with all your friends playing video games and smoking a shit load of pot. then once the d-amp wears off you sleep for 2 days and have the most realistic dreams ever.
Hello dudes, been on vacation for a while and i just started my new plants, my own strain called "THphetimine" lol it sounds cool dont it? I got them growing in a very old corn field where the weeds grew up. Im gonna go out in a few minutes and put them in some good dirt and a pot with some...
Yea also my feet got numb and my mouth was numb and it was pretty scary, what is that mexican brick weed? indica i hope, if i only take one hit could it do anything like that?
Yea i mean its nothing to be like a health issue, yea i try to not eat as much and i ride a bike into town every day for exercise it just trying not to eat alot is hard specially when you get the munchies... people can meet in a pot circle and stuff but yea your right but if a women where to...
Is sativa type weed suposed to make you fell jacked up and fell spaced out trippen?Cause i smoked some purple haze, first time smoking sativa and it made me fell pretty fucked up. Made me fell like i was in a dream and i really would forget shit that happened 1 second ago and i would scratch...
Hey dudes. Ive just had some people say some things to me about my weight. Im not fat but just a little chubby , kinda like Jack Black. Im just felling a bit sad couse people are so crude. And im just wondering, im asking the girls here, would you like someone if they where a little chubby? Not...
LMAO, i couldnt stop thinking about this. K you seen that topsy turvy tomato planter you grow tomato plants upside down in? lol I was thinking about getting some and growing pot on my porch upside down and when the cops come im gonna say "there only tomato plants, thats what it was made for" lmao.
Hey dudes im new to this site, anyway im really excited cause i found a seed!!! can you belive it?
anyway i need a little information. k first the outside of the seed is slightly cracked, so will it work. It should cause seed are supposed to pull thro the tuffest things. K second, it is a seed...