i got this schultz 8-14-9 african violet plus has anyone used this? and what's the outcome? and what is the prefered x-x-x? did i get this relatively close?
my leaves are getting brittle and i don't know why it's not over nor under fed i am going to transplant to a bigger pot (could that be the only things wrong?) or could it be it's not getting nutrients how do i feed it when using organic soil? will horse or cow manure work just fine? for all...
lol yeah i do the same thing 7 times check on it chill with my babies for a bit and I've been broke for a while so i haven't been smokin i'm excited for my babies and that of course could be why i'm so impatient but thanks man have a good one
anythings possible why is everyone so negative and now think about it why not arrest people for smoking cigarettes and most jails are over loaded cause they arrest people for marijuana and look at all the other drugs out there there's so many of them and there filling the jails and look at...
i've heard that it's kinda started to i've read that the states that use it for medicinal it's kinda but eased a bit and now i'm talking everywhere else
well no not immediately first start off medicinal but later in life we can but make it you have to be 18- or even 19 or 21 even like alcohol not even saying now but when the country is more stable we could start trying no?
yeah but maybe if they were actually fighting with the government they may win if they stand behind the scientists then it's them who over powers the government
and also government i'm sure controls media (like news on tv ect.) cause they're probably telling media to talk to hippies if media...
thank you for your input i have been looking for a decent pic of headband (from someone else) (clone as well) i was going to clone mine but not til it grows
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The reason why marijuana isn't legal is cause not enough of us are going in to pharmacy work and standing up and saying MARIJUANA IS NOT HARMFUL It's really the pharmacists that decide whats legal (in a way) but if pharmacists were to say it's great for many medicinal uses and eventually we will...
haha my cat's the same way with cfl's she loves being in there (even when i'm not) she keeps an eye on my plants she checks them out and looks at them (never trying to eat it) she's my little stoner cat :bigjoint:
so me being the loving nice dad that i am i created a spot for her not to go...