the organic nutes i gave it are 10-2-8 and i forgot i gave it schultz AV (water mix) too (both only one time, and first time and aldo remember that the leaves have started turning this color before i fed it that's why i got it food
thank you
i wasn't sure if flushing it would do any damage and yes backyard compost with perlite and 3 month organic nutes with just plain pH'd tap water
of course i couldn't see the problem this is only my second grow and my first one had virtually no problems with the MG with time release...
this fucking sucks!!!!! no one knows what to do to fix this problem?
my leaves are still kinda green but there mostly turning yellow it's more by the stem (and it's also mainly the fan leaves and very little of the node and internode leaves are turning yellow there just a little fainter green...
only thing that would be wrong about this is switching the locks you can get evicted and your place will get searched by them you have to tell the apartment your changing your locks and then you'll have to make them a key
you don't want to get kicked out
but they should always give you 24 hours...
BUMP!!!!!!! there still turning yellow i need help/advice on what i should do about this do i flush it even though i watered it just the other day? or what do i do
yeah thats fine
and do straight 24/0 til there in veg not just sprout then go 18/6 cause if you ease it it may cause more stress then going from 24/0 to 18/6 to 12/12 it's less light change
that's what i've got backyard compost (sifted) no perlites either yet but my drainage is just...
here read my post and then read rosemans post
plain tap that has been sitting out is great better then just straight tap but have you checked it's pH?
80 is just fine
the tin foil creates hot spots for the...
it was doing it before i fed it and i'm using backyard sifted with perilite and i'm only feeding it water right now caust the nutes i got are a 3 month feed but didn't put a full amount so maybe like 2 - 2.5 months but it was starting to do that before i fed it but it hasn't gotten better since...
it's been about a month in veg
i've got mixed spectrum 2 daylight and 2 soft white
they started going yellow a few days ago and it's only gotten worse
i've feed them 2 days ago (first real feeding) they've just been goin off the soil until i got it some more food so i don't see why it's...
does this do any good? if so when should i use it (veg or flowering) it's 10-2-8 and i'm also using schultz African Violet 8-14-9 (non organic) and with the schultz do i still need to flush after flowering? i know i don't with the organic stuff but anyone have any advice?
has anyone used dr. earth organic fertilizer? which one is the best i may run to the store tomorrow they claim not to have fox farm but also what should i say i'm growing if they do end up having fox farm?