see that's what i did 24/0 and i've had no luck with them so i'm assuming they do need some dark i'm going to put 18/6 for one then 12/12 for another (i'm using schultz take root powder and in a soil medium)
my leaves are pale not so much yellow they go dark lush green, to yellow tips with the rest of the fan leave a lighter green but still green then it goes dead and turns pale tips with half still green i'll get some pix up in a little bit idk what's causing it to be pale and it's starting up on...
yeah i hate when people scorch the whole bowl it's like hey asshole thanks for saving me some of my bud that i'm so generously giving you i'm teaching my brother how to smoke the right way (idc so much if he scorches the bowl cause his hits are so small that it doesn't really effect my smoke)
those are looking really good... the back middle one might need a little more light you have a good amount for the others just need more light (lumens) but still looking really good
yeah i don't like pressure either with me it's 3 times then shut the fuck up (my number one rule when smoking) i'm a fun/goofy guy more so when i smoke then sober but i smoke to relax from a hard days work (caused by scoliosis)
yeah i know what you mean my girl can be little close-minded...
how good is it? i got it today and should i add nutes to it or let it be for a few days i just transplanted it today as well and which of the two (if not both foods should i use I've got schultz AV 8-14-9 (idc if you don't like it just help me out) and garden club premium slow release plant food...
haha nice and good luck with that (darkside) i've been trying to do that to my girl friend for about a year and it didn't work she has tried it but hated it so i told her good for her if she doesn't like it but i'm not quitting
i also didn't even ask her if it was cool if i grew i just started...
i could see the banana peels working cause it turns to compost it's organic and i'm sure it'll give the plant a little banana-y taste (which maybe good..... or bad)
yeah no joke 10 a gram is still a bit pricey
so do i it's also fresher making it more potent and less handled
yeah and to be honest i don't think i've ever smoked fresh homegrown high quality buds
i've had plenty of med grade (homeboys hookin it up) but don't think straight up fresh...
i kinda have the same problem but my leaves are turning purple and stems and leaves are also kinda yellow but only the fan leaves and the purple is going to the nodes and i'm pretty sure the leaves aren't supposed to be purple (like this especially)