damn that sucks but yup always tomorrow and i know my plant is gunna be that "chicken feed" lol love that.. but i agree i hate the prices these days i had someone tell me he was charging 75$ an eighth i was like what do you think i am a fucking dumbass i get it for half that price for the...
the soil is about 7.3 i don't have anything to lower the pH with (no money to get anything else) but also now my leaves are kind of turnign purple and the main stem is just starting to as well
also try adding another fan get an intake and outtake what i'd do is put one on top of the box pointing down and one half way maybe a little lower then half way for the exhaust
it could be a few things
they are to young to feed but yellowing leaves is a nitrogen deficiency
but yeah bring the lights up about a half inch to an inch keeping them 2-3 inches away from the plants
also the bottom leaves (the very first peddles) are fine to turn yellow that's nothing
and would the roots being out cause "o-zone damage" or something? cause my leaves are turning sorta purple (on the yellow leaves and some on the green leaves or is the purple from something else (it's not the strain, it's headband)
i'm sure it's moss i've seen the beginning or moss and mold and it's moss and also it was a transplant from a while ago and i've looked under the plant and didn't see any roots then it's been
and i can't take pix of the moss any more since i added the soil already
i just noticed some ( not a lot ) roots sticking out of my soil (i added more soil) but i don't know how long they've been out
i also want to know is moss bad for it cause my soil (before adding more was just starting to get a little moss is that bad? or does it add nutritions?
those are looking good so far and nice job with the chains also the aqua globes are ok they aren't that good and not recommended by me cause it doesn't get all the roots/ soil which could kill a few roots i would think i took mine out
i've got schultz rooting hormone and i've gone through 2 clones i've read the instructions on it many times and i've followed them step by step but they just keep dying
any advice?
very nice plants dude that sucks your mate doesn't smoke get some carbon filters when they get a little bigger you don't have to until a little before flowering
what do i do? i got epsom salt put a teaspoon to a gallon. It's been a more then a day and it's not getting better (some leaves are still turning yellow) and also do they go green again? or do they just stay yellow?
i didn't even know that about the water i'll check it out i have a water pH kit but not soil (unfortunately my tap is about 7.2) and same over here our walmart in the gardening section is x-mas, toys, and only one thing for the garden (bug killer) lol
and foil creates hot spots i use it too...
if i were to use baking soda or vinegar what should i use to lower it to 6.5? and how much if my soil is 7.5
i'll try that and i never gave my seedlings nutes