" Even if mine is bigger then yours?" not what she said, lol hell yea bro. these last six i have in veg, im going to let them go alittle longer, then (lst) them. figure ill just keep bending them till there done.
how many buds do you need
here are some baby auto lr2
and one of my very own b
blue himalaya X blue berrry on the right , up front hell yea!!!!
thick northern lights
kinda love it
3 white widows
kinda shity pic of 6 clones
two auto ladivas
how many jars do you need?
plants in genral will grow up three time there size once put in to flower, this is true. But autos have there own growing spurts, not like regular plants. So for auto i wouldnt say they would grow at that rate. some do some dont. autos growth rate , flower rate as veg rate are all geneticlly...
heres some pic of 3rd generation W.W, N/L, and lemon skunk. and a pic of autos that are now drying out getting ready to put in jars in a couple days
these are getting close. figure another 2 weeks or so
this W.W has a long as bud, thick, and full of trecks
na your fine they wont start flowering untill the fall, During this time of year , your plants will be vegging, come fall they will start to flower as our sun light changes to 12 hours a day. only then they will flower.