led's are more expensive then hps and hids and even if you had hps or hids you would still end up paying the same
ie: led's are just as much as the electric bill will be. so it's a hard choice the only good thing about leds is once you have it. you have it for a long time so i guess if you...
led's will be the biggest waste of money they cost so much for a single watt 42$ but i would go cfl's that's the best way and it's more money efficient then anything else really
hope this helped just a little
i don't know much about led's
and when it comes to genes the seeds don't really know if it's going to be a female male or hermie cause it's more or less based on the soil if it's to acidic for the females to grow or if it's to alkaline for the males
edit: i think alkalines the right word, correct me if i'm wrong
they seeds grow up male or female depending on the soils pH so if your soil is perfect when you plant then to when they are in there veg state it will most likely grow female i've heard this quite a few times (here is the forum i got this info from...
really? what if you have the soil pH about 6.3- 6.6 or so cause i heard that females go for that shit more then acidic soil and seeds with more acidic soil grew up more likely males? true or false
I want to know whats better...
and how many watts with led compared to cfls
i want to know everything compared between them
any suggestions?
I want to grow led's but there expensive as hell
but i want to know about yield, potency, ect. with the differences
can anyone help?
...roseman? lol...
and what's the strain? so i know if it'll even be worth the time to regrow those lol if it's a good enough strain then regrow that shit and get some dank the seeds are 80-90% genetics (not exactly more hermies but potenty and what not)
yeah i don't think you'll get enough green to last you that long and not even that potent cause it's more male then female and they say that plants are more likely to go male if the soil balance is to acidic. i would grow it like it's a female and just hope for the best seeds and you could sell...
haha nice roseman i love the info you give it's filled with some great info you should seriously write a book (the only book i'd buy) I had one (that i found) a few years ago but my pops found it (either kept it) or threw it away
yeah i don't even think i put more then a cup or 2 mg but yeah i've already found like 3 potato bugs (rolli polli's) what ever you call them lol in there are they bad for plants (i also found some worms and tossed them in (haven't planted yet just want to know before i get myself in trouble)...
i also would have suggested but it's to late now if you have rooting hormones (try it with one first) (i haven't this just seems like it'd work) cut the stretched seedlings to about 2 or 3 inches from the top of it and put it in the hormone and it should sprout new roots and you can replant them...