oh yes it is =]]]] :bigjoint:
I was so happy when i found the seed (i just really really hope it's not a male) if so i've got some other random seeds (not as good though) but i hope it's a female
thanks mofizzle
check out my pics got a few up of the first and second day they are looking really good and going to be really potent (*knock on wood*) :bigjoint: but leave feedback on what you think
that makes sense thanks for the feedback. I've got my journal up and about to upload some pix should check it out og kush sour d hybrid(headband)
and 3 other random bad seeds (should be good genetics but might be stressy genetics hope not)
If i add the air pump and that makes it dry...
hahaha thanks man that is awesome
but you didn't notice more yield or anything? i've only been growing for a year (helping my friends plant) but thank you much
oh well that's not what i was talking about i meant i've seen homemade hydroponics with a bubble stone and airpump i was wondering if i added oxygen if it'd help the plants i wasn't going to flood it or anything i don't have room to flood lol it's a closet plant
but thanks for the feedback and...
what makes it retarded? I figured soil may not get enough oxygen on the bottom of the roots so mix a bit of hydro with soil and add the air pump but obviously not leaving it on for too long don't want to kill it with to much O and CO2 has oxygen obviously and that helps the plant.
That was awesome help never heard of bone or blood meal but i'll chceck it out thanks and worm castings like the trail they leave or there waste? should i get some worms for my soil?
Hi I've seen some homemade hydroponics and i've got a few air pumps wasn't going to do hydro though but i was wondering if anyone's done airpump through soil and was wondering if it helps? if it helps yeild height potentcy ect.? if you know or have experimented with this already or know a post...
I don't have any yet i just started my new batch and need some help
I don't know what organics to use which are better or anything or how often or even how to feed them. I've looked on here already and didn't find anything that helped that didn't have like 20 different organics I don't have...
Hey Guys it's been a while since I've been on but after my dad found my plants and throwing them away:wall: [and whats fucked is he smokes and also tried growing in there place once haha damn dad] (while living with my grandpeeps) now i live on my own and decided to retry and also lucky me i got...
i was just thinkin should i leave these lights on for veg and then flowering add more or would it be better to add them now and no more later or should i still add more later
i am 12/12 from seed (besides 2 weeks where i did 18/6) and i don't know if i need more light or if these are enough? i have 2 42w cfl and 4 23w on 2 plants and a clone
i use 176 watts total 2 42w and 4 23 and getting more 42w soon
can i use to many cfl's? as long as i move them higher?
how how high should my light be from my plants i heard it raises by the amount of lumens (or something like that)