geneal cut 45 degree angle between third and fouth node cut of branch asapt the top trim fan leafs put in cloner i did this andtook for ever to root stems started to get slimy i did reseach and found recipe for 5 gal water 1 tbs of epson salt 1tsp super thrive 1 tsp clorox iwas nerves about...
if you have 4 by 4 tent and everything to grow you can smoke and sell and make a profit out of your first grow you get a few mothers you can get a cloning machine which will help your secess rate greatly for 65 dollars it will clone 25 at a time they have bigger one i thinkfor amost same price...
4 inch inline fan and filter that for that and you will work good. ozone generator i think is over kill for small grow room i see your therm is up high should be highth of plants
thats up to you on fhe color of tric i what till some are amberbut some harvest when there are cloudy if you decide to wait turn light to 10 / 14 or 8/16 it will add more trcs a finuish them off nicely
i would not go over 300 ppm for two weeks then add a 100or so a week you can always add more but if you put to much in you will kill them be over feeding over night be careful the other are correct about haveng to count the ppm of the tap water in the tatol thats why most people start out with 0...
5.2 ph is the best range is 5.1 to 5.9 your ph is a little high shold flush with water with no or little ppm and ph 5.2 flush good then 200ppm make sure that you haye cal/mag in nutes lack of mag causes red /purple vein and stems in plant hope this helps
take clones first and make sure they are ok before swithing it to flower then if female keep going and the little clones are female also but if male and you donot want the pollane then kill them all