your one plant looks good , one thing though, save your money the 400 watt is more then good enough for your grow space if want more light get floecents put around tent about 18 to 24 inches up to get more light on lower branches
you can use a little hydrogen peroxide it keeps the roots white and the slime away that gether on the sides iwas having problems with my cloner mistes pluging and rooting taking forever i found recipe on the internet it was 5gal water tsp super strive tbs ebson sait tsp of clorox i was nerves...
if they falling over do to not deep enough put in deeper seeds about 1/2 inch when pop up you can put dirt around them but if falling over because the stem not strong enough you need to get light closer
if you have a 5by5 room i think 2- 400 watt lights would be great because there good for a 4by5 space and you can use different light spectrums and still save electric
when transplant the peat container you might have to cut it a little so the roots can pass through easy is the only thing when i put mine outside in dirt the very top was still there at harvest rite there at grown level other then that it would be ok i dont like them because they dry out to...
get a good container holes in bottom for drainage and a tray under that to collect the runoff small bag of mirical grow potting mix or you can get small bag of soil and add old strofom in little pieces and little pebbles for airation in soil ,then get a sulable fertilzer but be care full and...
never had that problem, mite need to soak the soil good possably the soil dry a little ways down or soil compacted to tite try lossing it up a little hope this helps if not tite or dry put more soil over the roots light will kill roots
you just anserd you own question they look good with the light off that tells me its to hot when light is on get fresh air in old air out keep around 75-76 you will have big problems with water getting to hot and bugs get a good exaust fan and get it cooled down and you will be amaised on how...
i dont know about autos or jonny soil i you a 400 watt also i use miriical grow potting mix and they grow fine i have a hydro shop about 1/2 hour an i still dont buy there fox farm and other soil to much i think i do use nutes after a while because its not desine for reefer i think it is to...
on pic 2 the plant in back looked like it had purple vain that means mag def they are small i would change the soil mix or flush them thinking its a nutes lookout if they have been getting nutes if not they need mag and nuts