What other creature has harnessed fire, sparked flint, chipped stone, hardened wood with heat. Not advanced by 2018 standards but pretty ADVANCED none the less. The crux is it shows the ability to achieve higher level thinking.
The late Joseph Campbell reported there are over 50,000 religions being followed and every one of them claims their God is omnipotent. Sure like to see all these believers work some of that confusion out before they try to convince me they are the one and only true path to some sort of Valhalla.
Marshmallows kill Elvis. Death by a thousand cuts. Had to lop the head off my life-size cardboard Elvis target last week. His neck gave out due to the hits, had to do surgery and rehang him by the shoulders. Today his left leg fell off. Guess he will make it till the dents in his chest start to...
Been harvesting 2 or 3 mixed radishes every other day for 2 weeks. Out of the 40 or so I planted late bout 20 set, hope to get 5 or 6 more from the patch. Going to plant again soon. Letting the fastest 2 growers/bloomers and 2 largest go to seed. Found a mint patch this AM while mowing, hadn't...
Back on the slinging front: Practiced the overhand for the first time today. My ability/accuracy rate using this style is about 30% good slings, 10% grounders and pop-ups, and the rest misses and wild pitches. At my beginner level this seems a more powerful style than sidearm and underhand...
That's how I did it but it was take it or leave it. Ever tried putting one on a stick and letting an open fire cook it? Lots of peeps in foreign countries cook small rodents that way.
I joined ROI around 2009 and probably lurked for a year before that. Up until around 2014? it was the old west, few rules to speak of and no civility towards those stupid enough to disagree with your position.The mods. then went on an "Everyone clean up your act" campaign. It had some success...
A sling-shot needs a bit of practice to hit a squirrel at much beyond 20'. Good luck. I never liked squirrel much. Might have been how we cooked it. Rabbit is better IMO.