Took about 1 wk. of golf balls with a 23" sling to be able to "toss" them with consistency. Saw a dude slinging marsh-mellows. Made a 15" sling, cleared a path in the living room, set up a cardboard Elvis. and zip (they're fast) 5 or 6 marsh-mellows at him during commercials. Poor guy, I seem to...
Much merit in what you say unfortunately or fortunately I'm approaching Willie Nelson/ Snoop Dogg territory. Comments will have to wait. The pay for play is not so cut and dried. I hear Congressional candidates in my area must assure the Repug. party they can raise 300k in donations prior to the...
I remember seeing that article on a different site. Wonder who penned it?. If I remember right the News in the event WAS "The defecting Dems. not "ending debate" on some no-doubt heinous curse the Gov. was scheming to reign down. It is yellow dog journalism. A deliberately one-sided hit piece to...
True. "Do the generals want a thing in Syria?" My guess is no. Trump will hit twice the usual number of pill factories and empty airports, Faux news will declare it the most devastating strike in the history of war, Uncle Sam will fade Syria and pressure Putin from a different angle.
I'll agree everything is a mess in Syria and Assad is a heinous cur, However, when you consider the facts that Syria has been a client state of Russia and the USSR. for a long time and the Russian economy is on a par with Italy. It is a no brainer to see Putin will not abandon or punish Assad...
Used to use package fertz. Have been making teas lately. Will all the stuff I have been spraying on leaves and soil effect the taste of my veggies? Tea, coffee, red pepper, eucalyptus, nicotine, mustard, citrus rinds, etc.