put everything out a couple of days ago, some of it seems to be digging it, some of it probably could have waited another week or so, till it warmed up at night a little more.
Pepper patch, got green, banana, jumbo jalapeno, thai hot, thai red chili, and carolina reapers.

two kinds of eggplannt, basil and oregano, onions, and strawberries that survived the winter, and already have fruit....

cucumbers from seeds i kept from last year, they were great cukes, but these ain't digging the cold nights i guess, may have to start more if these don't take off soon.

trying to adapt Larry's tomato trough idea with hempy buckets. drilled 6 3/8th holes around the bottom of each bucket, 4 inches up. hoping that gives them a constant source of water, without waterlogging the buckets. should only have to water them every three days or so if it doesn't rain.

using my old promix and perlite, i mixed it up with some compost, topsoil, and ewc about a month ago, top dressed the beds a week ago, then topped them off again when i put every thing out. shouldn't have to add any kind of feed for a couple of months, anyway.
got some pumpkins and watermelon seeds to go out, but i want to put them straight in the ground, so i'm waiting a couple more weeks till the ground gets good and warm. may put out some black plastic to warm it up faster.