what you do is take flint out along with the spring, make a holder for the flint with the spring, then heat up the flint till its almost red hot, then throw it on the floor as hard as u can, and u has a nice sparkly show.
another question i have been putting lemon juice in the water to help get the correct pH, and know it smells like lemon real strong, like if you rub the leaves you fingers smell like lemon. will this effect taste when smoking? if so will it make a harsh smoke?
hello all, just wanted to show you ma plant. its one of the free seeds i got from the tude, i think im doing ok, but ma bottom leaves got a bit yellow i think from nute lockout (my pH was wrong for a while) apart from that its all good i think.
Shall i cut of the bottom leaves???
ps see...
hey instead of ice could you put water mixed in with alot of salt(so it dont freeze) and then put that in your bong and stick it in the freezer and get super cold water??? or would it taste like salty buds?
yer its scummy bastards like these who ruin england(although most dealers are chavs, but still my dealers cool). for more shits n giggles watch the realated video with the moped and the round-a-bout shits brilliant.
and also you would have to have the light on for more that 18 hours or it will flower and die, which would be a pain if you were trying to sleep in the same room as it(unless you only sleep for 6 hours or dont mind the light)
i got it deliverd to a friends house, there perfectly legit so unless your quite paranoid(like me) you might as well order to your house. i had them sent to a friends house and hes never had his door kicked in and raided or anything so its fine.
hello to all, i was wondering if anyone from the uk has those Y splitter adapter things, if so were did u get them. i have a feeling they are not allowed and this is why i cant find them anywhere(but im not sure), as i have looked everywhere and i cant find them.
anyone know?
no proof of god has ever been seen/documented.
I questioned an islamic friend about if they think god created the world, he said yes, i said prove it, he said i cant prove it, and asked if i could prove evolution, i said look at the link between monkeys and humans ect and i then said...
omg 'i like turtles' i was stoned with a mate yesterday and i lauged for bout 5 mins straight man good times
my turn
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2lJJOA4gU2U (<===Have a tissue ready, you'll need it)