Yes, i flower all my mother plants eventually... infact
I like to keep them as mothers during the winter.... and once summer comes i put them outside to grow even bigger and flower.....
Greetings to u all,
Im having a bit of a problem....
Woke up this morning to realize the power (electricity) had jumped....
the lights had been on in the flowering room for atleast 3 hours, and power shut off..... What should i do..... Keep them in the dark for a good 24 hours to be sure...
Yes of course you can, but its not a great idea... they take about 1 month to revert to vegging.. so you basically loose a month and it doesnt do the plant much good.. they tend to look weird after... and harvest weigh less......
if you set up the little green house and lamp soon... you can...
The best advice i can give you, to maximize yield.... MAKE SURE YOU AINT GOT NO BUUUUGSS!!!
Prevention... Prevention... cause if you get something in a room that size... with that many plants... Its gonna be very hard to fight them off.... make sure you can access each plant individually...
You can simply veg your plants until they are ready to flower.. right before you flower them you take cuttings "clones" from those plants (still vegging) and you just need to buy a fluorescent lamp (100 watt is just enough) .... and a mini green house which looks like...
MIRACLE GROW = ONE BIG NO NO!!!! if you want to smoke nasty, strange tasting , harsh bud.... that gives you a fertilizer high rather than good clean ganja high... GO for it .... but i doubt thats what you really wanna be smoking.....
peace out....
indica = body high / couch lock / listen to dub reggae type...
sativa = head high / twitchy / Clean the house up type...
Laughing??? Maybe if the first couple grams of bud you smoked in your life was a haze or sativa there are more chances of having a laugh but no weed will actually Induce...
Hey man!! what u build looks fantastic... im in a build bud box.... and when i see this.... It motivates me to build a grow room!! Good job! + rep
and + rep again!! peace
bio terra plus is a very rich organic soil....... u might wanna not use too much ferts in it until flowering.... i think its a ph problem along with too much Nitrogen......
Good luck
peace out
dont do anything until you know for sure what your problem is ..........
to me it looks like a nute burn...
what type of soil are you using.?? miracle grow??
to get high.... ONE BIG SPLIFF......
To get Fryed :) 2 bongs and a spliff to keep it goin!!
i really enjoy having a joint rolled, to light up after a big bong or pipe hit......
Thats the way i like it maaaan!!! for years i was smoking only bongs, and many a day....
But i realized i couldnt...
do not cut your plant..... You can super crop it which will cause a wound and that will heal... the bud above that wound will tend to be bigger and sweater because all the good stuff for the plant is retained above the wound for longer..... that is pretty much all you will get from hurting a...
i really dont like to veg my plants with 24 hours of light... they grow when the light is off.. plats collect the energy during the light cycle and assimilate it and use it when the light is off.. it obviously works to veg them with the light on all the time.. but i believe it is better to just...
yes you can even root them in the flowering room .... they just wont grow very much... and may not give the biggest yield per plant...
but many people do it.. although its obviously better to veg them for atleast a week after they rooted...
That is a little delicate....... I would just start over..... with fresh beans or clones....
But if you cant... Then try to re-pot in soiless mix...... I reallllly hope it works out for you man!!!
Keep it green! peace
This is the last of my previous harvest....... i crossed a female bluemoonshine with Northern lights.... The blueberry flavor is still very much there..... and the northern lights really gave it a punch to yield..... ill be growing this in a greenhouse this summer..... and aint gonna quit...
forget the over watering.. at this point it doesnt matter... you made the mistake when you potted the seeds in miracle grow soil.... its faaaarrrr too rich of a soil for seedlings... u need a soilless mix or a very very light root soil for seedlings.... `
I wouldnt use miracle grow at all...
i take back what i said earlier.... Those buds Look Great!! Its like somehow i can smell them through my screen!!! I guess the picture of your stuff drying earlier in the thread wasnt as amazing as these...... I am sorry if i offended you by claiming you harvested early..... It looked like it...