if you hear of people telling you mazar wasnt good... dont beleive them... they probably dont know how to grow!!!! ive grown fruity thai, whitesmurf, buddha sister, and Kahuna... one day my friend at the growshop tells me he had mazar clones.. i took 3 flowerd 2 and kept one mother.... I had...
when i lived in switzerland a few years back .... we came across a big whitejaga and purple variety plantation in a valley pretty high up, about 2000 meters up the mountain.... the biggest bud i ever saw was 650 grams, one big top cola! bigger than my belly alone! ha... i beleive you can...
hi people... im a little worried about i future cannabis!
basically i germinated 8 good quality seeds, but here is the problem...
as soon as a few of them sprouted in the paper towel i got too excited and put them in little pots of soil and under the lamp for 18h on and 6 off and after 3 days of...