well the idea of a fake name is a good idea for the purposes of the court system. If for some reason they decided to charge him with purchasing marijuana seeds then it wouldnt be able to hold up in court becaues the defense would simply argue that his names not on the package so anyone could...
anything indica will stay under and most hybrids as well. Hell you can even keep the sativas at 5 feet. The world is yours my friend, you can pretty much handle any strain. Just top it or train them and theres no worries.
well i agree with that for the most part except the fact that cannabis is not a drug, its a plant. A drug is something manufactured by man and cannabis is a naturally growing plant that was here long before man.
not doubting you in any way man, i know what the measurements are, youd have to take 1200 micros to equal 1.2 millis which you probably took considering how much you ate. Im not chemistry student but im a smart guy. My reasons for doubt are the simple facts that LSD is so hard to come across and...
well man im really sorry to hear about you getting ripped off
i sell better shit and its 50 for 3.5 grams, i could sell it for more but im not a greedy asshole and its not worth that much in my opinion.
just cuz someone says your weed is kush doesnt mean that it is, theres a report on there that someone posted and thought it was lsd and erowid actually had to move it from the lsd section to the DOC page. The effects of both drugs are virtually the same but the only thing is iver never had any...