Was smoking hydro when it first got popular and for many years after. Been runnin a shower stall ghetto in soil for bout 9 yrs, pretty regular. IMO. Soil tastes better.
McDs. has had them here for a while. Prob. eliminate 2? jobs per shift? They will be in every Chicken Doodle and fried octopus joint, in a flash, no doubt. That's millions and millions of jobs. No worry tho, the vanishing Mexican will leave lots of desirable jobs for them to do. Sod thrower...
HAHA, Knew the owner of a company that had the whole, script for his products, thing worked out, none of his people would go for it. Guess they didn't want script from a casket co.
That a dangerous challenge You don't know, who knows who in a blind challenge, Boxers tend to win out against MMA fighters in straight boxing matches, and ringers have a habit of showing up when there is a decent purse on the line.I've seen it first hand, Pro and amateur. Pic. looks like you are...
A successful college program has many meshing parts. That said. On the most basic level, most of the five star Tide players are from the Fl. panhandle and Alabama. Whose fault is it if any particular area choses to support it's high school programs, thus offering a better trained, fitter...
Electric self driving shuttle buses are running downtown in my city now, with plenty more low hanging fruit. My guess, in 3 yrs.15 or so % of muni. transp. workers will be gone round here. Not to worry tho. With the Mexicans pushed out, our citizens will, no doubt, flock to fill those commercial...