I didn't say anything about yield...just rather making a point that it won't matter the size of pot you grow in...the plant will always stretch, and depending on genetics, it could stretch alot.
And plants that have more room to grow roots in are always happier, i already knew that. Having a...
Well then sorry to not be of help...if you wanna do better then fert spikes...learn to make organic tea's...don't cost $$ to make them. Start a compost, that will help you alot.
That ain't true...i had a 2 gallon container...and i still ended up with a 6 foot bitch. It is strain dependant on how tall it will grow.
And the general rule of thumb is that a plant will stretch 1-4x the plants veg height!
No problem hopper...if you need any more assistance feel free to ask. Just a note...the first pic was a female at 8 weeks old...and the second was a 5 week old plant...depending on strain and conditions...most plants will show between the 5th-8th week of growth, givin you are using a schedule...
You sure can...in nature they don't get transplanted.
It is very common though to start the seedling in a small styrofoam cup and then transplant them into there final pots, but there is nothing wrong with dong it that way. Not sure about the soil...i don't use the expensive name brand...
Ultimitly you want to transplant the plant once...from it's seedling cup to the size of pot you want to grow in...i'm guessing this is what you mean by changing soil.
Those look like they have some sort of food supply...wether through watering with...or a supply in the soil already, either way those plants have been recieveg food somehow...othewr wise they'd be curling up and dying...you'd have zero fan leaves since the plant will be sucking all the nitrogen...
Ya get those temps below 80F for sure...85F+ will only stunt your plant, and create smaller less dense buds. 75F is desirerable...but not all rooms can do it without A/C.
I place all my styrofoam cups in a circle together, and place a black garbage bag over them, place them near a window, and witin a few days they all pop ground. The black bag method is used by alot of commercial farmers on there fields...as well as nursery's, it creats a warm very hummid...
I was smokin BC Skunk, defenitly no mistaking that smell...EVER!!!! And yes it was a killer strain...i think it's still availible through bc bud depot...not sure though.
Ok so no they dont have it...i'll update if i find it!
I take a black garbage bag and place it over top of the styrofoam cups i start my plants in, i place them near a window so it will stay warm from the sunlight, and within a few days they pop ground.