9 weeks m8, the same as the psychosis. Tbh it probly could go another week but need it to come down with the rest to get cleaned up and more in. Still lemony, as zeddd says I think she stays lemony. The last lot of lemon got pulled early at 8 weeks and was very lemony, hope this stays the same...
What's happening lads? Back from work early and startin to chop my 9 plants tonight. 5 psycho and 4 zlh, the zlh definitly will out yeild the psychosis, next run I'm doin 3 psycho and 6 zlh and keepin the psycho for percy and sell the rest....makes sense
Or why the fuck have they cloned the uk thread and stuck a copy in tokentalk?????????
Them retarded yanks love the uk so much they took a copy for themselves lol
Just got in for a look at my plants, first proper look I've been able to get at them since I noticed some nanners on Monday. There doesn't seem to have been many more come back since I picked off what I could see, no new ones anyway. Might have been the little bit of light that I blocked up on...
7 plants in a 50x50 space for 10 weeks??? Wtf? I couldn't keep one plant in that space for ten weeks lol, must grow super slow in there m8. There sure to out grow that arnt they?
My temp and humidity's not been much different, the temp maybe a wee bit high at times but the same as before. Fuck knows m8, go back to the psychosis only and see as I know there hardy as fuck, if anything happens them I'm going back to a full room again a and getting rid of the tent