Aye I know m8, kinda wishful thinking cos if it was that its sorted now lol. Probly not goina be as easy as that. Just goina run all psycho next run and see how they go. Never had no problems growing in the full room, now two grows in this tent and problems both times, and the tents in the...
Just inspected my tent with lights off and there's one wee tiny bit of light gettin in, only like a match head and it's over at the side that's got nanners, same side as last time, that might be it the fucker, taped up now anyway. Wouldn't be able to see the hole from
Other parts of the tent...
I've no idea m8, there 3 weeks in flower. Goina see about gettin some dutch masters reverse in the next couple days, worth a try as there's not too many ATM, picked a loads of too, gotta help
If I even did.....fuck off m8 I done everything I could to try and prevent this, completely emptied the tent and washed the whole thing including system and all with soapy water. A couple of them have nanners too not just the one, none on the psycho so wtf. Binning the lemon anyway after this...
Guess who just found a few nanners on the zlh, fuckin things gettin ditched after this run. Haven't stressed them at all this run, bent the tops once before going into flower other than that haven't touched them at all. The psychosis seem fine for now anyway.......fuckin bullshit this is
U got a leak?? Hardly sounds wrong m8, it is what it's is. 9 pot wilma drip feed system, I don't let it empty completely, stick 60l in it and that'll do at least 5 days, could stretch the week but like to fill it before then
I was driving a heap of shit transit tht was hired for three weeks recently lol. Got rid of my own van, gear box went, bought a nice car instead, carries all the tools I usually need. First car in 10 years and lovin it lol
None of u lads learn anything about geography in fuckin school??? Since when was Limerick in N.I. Think that's more relaxs neck of the woods (or country for that matter)
Not sure what to think of them, took ages to get a hit off them, took three in the end but when they did hit I was fucked lol, proper fucked. Feel fine today too which is always a bonus
I'll take the other 2 without as much drink, not tonight tho
There's a spoof ira ice bucket challenge on youtube, derry Ice bucket challenge, probly not as funny if u don't know where/what there talking about. I found it amusing lol