Just got a warning from humbolt county's own about thier trio that bud candy and I think he said bud x also creating high salt residue anyone else see this or try this combo
Fox farm ocean Forrest Soil for fox farm nutes can't get these at Wally world tho.
Unfertilized mix if u wanna go for sweet nutrients like pinnAple or Sweet, this makes ur bud taste come out alot. If ur looking for soil mix I have a thread with my soil set ups.
Furthermore greendragon77 it's good to hear she found the one she likes, if u haven't shown her alot of ur growing And she is cool about it if u walk her through the growing she'll love the end result and be just as axious as u will b. Have u found out the median and nutrients u will use?
Wow somebody took that post all wrong. I was trying to male a point that not all girls don't know about cannabis and most who are willing to try it are intrigued all about it just like men. But most men consider women to know nothing. Re read please in this aspect. NO woman should be a pet
Hey people I started growing with info from subcools publications, and I never started to buy seeds off the Internet because I procreate my plants but I learned on attitude that these aren't sexed seeds I love this and I'm wanting to buy jillybean for my girl to grow and vortex for me. Anyone...
Nope not reall milkmilk I don't think I said that though. A citrus seed would b great or the thread starter but if it's not a suprize fir her then let her pick it out she will b more anxious for the end results.
My gf and I have smoked every day together for two years now and we still have sex three times a day. Sorry urs has that effect.
Now a sativa is great for the thread starter because autoflowering does have some high thc contnt, pending strain. I reccomend looking into anything proven an upbeat...
Miracle grow is not formulated for cannabis if you are potting some hydrangeas maybe so. Also shultz is not formulated for cannabis it may deliver nutients but no micro or proper pottasium. Good luck man but I reccomend anything else but these. Not trying to be rude but side by side comparison...
I'm not sure where the link is to find some t-48s but I'm sure u can search this on google it cost me 260 dollars with tax at the local hydroponics shop. But since u won't need longer uses I would agree a few t-8s will be more than enough.
In my experience I believe that for 50 clones you will need more than just a few t5 or 8s I would use a t48 which is expensive but ways does the job also this fixture could power up to six or eight plants in late veg. this fixture produces 40,000 lumens
• smoke weed with the president and talk about his real views of politics.
• learn 4 languages from around the world
• enter my grow into the cannabis cup, don't care if I win.
• use my 4 languages to learn 4 religions
• visit every contenant
• make my loved...
Ok on of the most argued topics besides nutes; what are your ladies growin in. I use a custom mix:
2 in of river rock for drainage
pure unfertilized soil
cow manure or bat
peat moss
The peat moss helps pull the soil away from the pot edge when it's...
Ya no offence but if u were busted then it wasn't decriminalized. And when they decriminalize it u will still be held accountable because it was illegal when u did it. And running is a great way to increase incarceration times. You can't beat the radio no matter where u are. They are calling u...