Look ill pull this thread if I see that people learned or understand that people created this site to help connect and educate people throughout thier growing phases. I hate to see people open bullshit threads that connect nothing to cannabis getting entirly too much comments when true growers...
For vegitative I have used two formulas
• bottanicaire pro grow
• nirvana by advanced nutrients
• snow storm ultra by humboldt county's own
• third to fifth weeks use bushmaster I love it but it stops vert growth
Second I have used
• dutchmaster A+B liquid light...
True I cut out all bottanicair and switch purple maxx to only foliar feeding it provided me great results post pics on April 17-20 I like everyone to see just how purple this stuff is. Also I use nirvana lightly however I cut gravity to 1/3
Still have to agree this is going no where because all of u missed the point I have done research I have done google bullshit and so forth however I asked like I'll say it again ( hence the post for the nutes started in Advanced threads) I asked what others personally use that gives them results...
Guys true to all of you what you are saying however I just wanted feedback on peoples mixes of what is great combos of nutes not really a question but a statement of interest. Also when I say it went to shit I mean everyone having a real problem seems out of luck also what's a fire thread that...
So how many think RUI sucks worst than a French whore I have posted 5 threads in the last two months and not one has a reply yet you look at threads called "beat the pussy up" which has 48 replies. No one gives support help thus place just sucks!
Alright which nutrients do you think is the best custom nutrient mix. I use Bottanicaire Pro Bloom, Humbolts snow storm, humbolts purple maxx, humbolts gravity hardener, advanced nutrients nirvana.
let me say they started this i believe in eel river actually in the water so you should see good results but the creator stated that he uses this stuff for soil and i do too and no lies this stuff works great wonders im fixing to post pictures soon just dont want to till very near harvest
Um... Am I just stupid or does all this sound wrong? First off seven day old plants do not show sex; unless auto or I'm stupid. Lime/ lemon juice lowers ph nothing else; unless I'm stupid. Manure is a good feet not urine; unless I'm stupid but still not enough nutes. So I believe rethinking some...
Awesome results from hydro is great to hear I always tried these with soil. Your right about upward froth with bushmaster but this new snowstorm ultra man I'll tell u about the crystals but you won't believe me! +rep for info.