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  1. GeneBanker

    2 x 320W XL QB V2 R SPEC KIT vs the new 650R

    I have qb 132’s in my veg/clone tent and 650rs in my Flower room. The 132’s are great, the 650rs are great. I used to run 1000w hps and I’m more than impressed with the 650rs. So much I just bought two more should be here next week. I can finally finish my flower room
  2. GeneBanker

    Single Use Dehumidifiers

    at 60rh you have roughly 6 grams of water in the air per cubic foot. Do the math and you’ll see they won’t keep up.
  3. GeneBanker

    What would you use as an elevator?

    I used to go on walks in the desert and find flat pieces of shale. They make good risers. You can source just about anything you need if you look close and have an imagination. Also since I was taking rocks from the desert I made sure to haul out big bags of trash as well. Paying it forward...
  4. GeneBanker

    Ready to Harvest?

    I agree with lordhooha and I think he’s being generous saying 3-4. It’s prob even longer than that.
  5. GeneBanker


    I feel like they are caterpillars.
  6. GeneBanker

    Taking samples last few weeks of flower

    The answer to “Can I” is always yes. It’s your labor, time, knowledge. A bud here and there in the course of things is peanuts. The question at hand is “should I” or “does anyone already have this answer”. But yes if you feel like it will help you with your craft in the long run I’d say do it...
  7. GeneBanker


    If they did just sprout. I’m going to drive no matter how far for cuts of it though
  8. GeneBanker

    What if I dont fix my root bound

    Old am I also. And confused I am as well. I wasn’t meaning that at you, but to the op who said he was attacked by Mick Foster.
  9. GeneBanker

    What if I dont fix my root bound

    Attacked :roll: When did skin get so thin? After all this Is the internet.
  10. GeneBanker

    Should I kill this frankenplant and it's clones?

    They are just revegging. Don’t throw them. They will come back. The better your light the faster they come back.
  11. GeneBanker

    How long untill my plant is ready

    I agree with Lordhooha. You’re lucky if it’s three weeks
  12. GeneBanker

    What is my baby telling me

    She’s telling you water her more often. I’m telling you fill them pots. You’ll miss that space later for root growth and while she’s down below the brim, it’s arid and stagnant.
  13. GeneBanker

    Light leak

    One time. No you’ll be fine
  14. GeneBanker

    OK to make 'concentrated' nute mix in 1L water, then dilute to target levels?

    I don’t like any nute mixed water sitting more that six days, and I don’t like clean water standing more than 10 days. I feel like if your concentrate solution would be used quick you could. Me personally I don’t risk it.
  15. GeneBanker

    High yield?

    I have older sons who fill in those gaps when I’m gone
  16. GeneBanker

    High yield?

    Perpetual grow. Good timing.
  17. GeneBanker

    Rooting (cloning) Question

    If you are in the budget you can buy solo cups and clear cups. Put the cut in the solo and cover with the clear cup.
  18. GeneBanker

    High yield?

    I feel like it’s six to one, half a dozen to the other. If you veg six months, you still have another 3 months to flower, dry, and cure it. 9 months let’s say. How many grows could you bang out in nine months with attention to your craft and good timing. I’d be on for four or five and one long...
  19. GeneBanker

    Is this plant ready for harvest?

    2-3 weeks is modest. You honesty have like 3-4 weeks to go IMO. That don’t even look like they’ve started stacking yet.