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  1. Capt. Trips

    What Promix should I use?

    I've gone from soil to Promix HP. I love it so far, and so do the plants.
  2. Capt. Trips

    Seedlings wilting

    Look at that soil, it looks like mud. You're over-watering those poor things. Wait until the soil dries out before you water again. And I don't mean water when the top looks a bit dry. I mean wait until the goddamn soil is dry and the cup feels light. Stop drowning your babies. You're killing...
  3. Capt. Trips

    are these respectable looking buds or not? please help

    That's some beautiful bud that I'd be excited to smoke.
  4. Capt. Trips

    8 day monster

    Looks great. Keep doing what you're doing.
  5. Capt. Trips

    Day 6 these look ok?

    That light is severe overkill for those little plants. At this stage of life I would have those under some T5's or CFL's, not 1000w MH. Even dimmed to 50%, you're wasting electricity and bulb life.
  6. Capt. Trips

    so many choices which seeds to buy ?

    Here's what I just did. I found two amazing strains that I wanted to try growing/smoking. I bought some feminized Purple Kush from Crop King, and some Medicine Man from Mr. Nice. Out of the six Medicine Man seeds I grew out, two of them were male, and obviously all of the feminized PK were...
  7. Capt. Trips

    How much and What do you get shipped to your home?

    Calling them couldn't hurt, although sending them an email would probably suffice. Honestly, that was the only time Amazon has ever screwed up one of my orders, and I buy stuff on Amazon absolutely all the time. I shop on Amazon more than I shop anywhere else, including local stores. I tried...
  8. Capt. Trips

    How much and What do you get shipped to your home?

    Mark all your purchases from Amazon as gifts. They will be sent in unmarked boxes. However, this is not 100% foolproof. When I bought my T5 fixture and marked it as a gift, they sent it in the original packaging for some reason. So I had this big box with a picture of a grow light on it...
  9. Capt. Trips

    anyone no what's causing this??

    Definitely looks like thrips. I just had the same issue. It took me a while to actually see any, so I was convinced they weren't there. They were. Look again. Get a magnifying glass. They can be tough to see.
  10. Capt. Trips

    Keep the runt?

    It looks hungry. I had a couple do exactly the same thing with my current grow. This was when they were just little and not yet being fed, and all the others at the same age looked great and were much bigger. So I gave them a quarter strength feed and within the next couple of days they took...
  11. Capt. Trips

    Help With Seedling Photos Included

    I wouldn't give up on it just because it's a lighter color. Grow it and see what happens. You never know, it could be the dankest shit you've ever smoked. Or it could be a piece of shit cull. You won't know unless you try growing it.
  12. Capt. Trips

    should you prune your plants in flower or not??

    Defoliation is a very controversial topic here. I don't think you'll ever get a definitive answer.
  13. Capt. Trips

    is there were the sex will show

    I don't understand your question, but that is not a happy plant. Are you feeding?
  14. Capt. Trips

    Herbies head shop

    I've ordered from Herbies and will definitely order from them again next time I need seeds. Great customer service and fast delivery.
  15. Capt. Trips

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    I sneeze like crazy and get hives when I come in contact with flowering weed. I also get hives on my face sometimes when I smoke it. When I was much younger and much dumber, and before I knew I was allergic to weed, me and some friends tried snorting a line of crystal from the bud buster. They...
  16. Capt. Trips

    lemon tree seedling

    Recruitment - phase one of your lemon empire (lempire?) is complete.
  17. Capt. Trips

    lemon tree seedling

    This thread has inspired me to attempt to grow a lemon tree of my own. After seeing this I got a lemon from the grocery store and put a few seeds in paper towel. Just looked today and 4 of 5 have little roots poking out after about five days. I know they'll probably never produce fruit where I...
  18. Capt. Trips

    Harvest Complete

    Enjoy. I'm anxiously waiting for my Purple Kush to finish right now. They're taking forever. This weekend will be 11 weeks flowering and it seems like they could still use another week or two. That bud in your picture, is that what it looked like when you harvested? It almost looks like it...
  19. Capt. Trips

    My plants dying going in flower?

    What size pot is that poor thing in? I can't really see, but it almost looks like I can see the edge of a tiny little pot? And 46w of light is not enough. Look how stretched it is. I'd pull it out and look at the roots if I were you.
  20. Capt. Trips

    thinking auto for 2nd run?

    If yield is your main concern, why would you choose to grow autos?