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  1. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    Awesome Reading! Lovin it!
  2. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    So you weren’t really denied! I hear ya though.
  3. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Does she have a fork lift to move them lol
  4. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Well marijuana likes light airy soil. The roots will be able to weave there way through the soil getting bigger and bigger. A plant planted straight into the ground has to deal with some seriously compact dirt so roots can’t penatrate as easily as a pot. Yes you can dig a hole and fill it with a...
  5. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    The mornings are pretty bad already lol.
  6. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Here a comparison pic on the stock at beginning of season. Also another updated pic.
  7. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    I would say 3 plants outdoors is all you need lol
  8. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    They can only deny u if the information provided in the registration is incorrect. At that point you probably shouldn’t have even tried to register. Hell even a convicted felon is allowed to to grow their own, just not for somebody Else.
  9. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    Please don’t call it “Approved” .. Yes they received your Registration, they did not receive your “Application” Nice to hear you got your paperwork!
  10. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Here they are in their new homes! They are looking at little shocked lol. I did notice some root rot on one plant probably a combination from needing a bigger pot and the colder weather at night so far. Hoping it’ll bounce back with its new home and warmer bed.
  11. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    From a place called pagoins live bait. Worm farm. Plus it’s the same place that I get my yards of soil that comes amended already. I bought lots of bags of castings cuz I use it in my water like a tea bag. Last year I should’ve taken some pics of my cherry tomatoe garden that I fed with worm...
  12. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    The food going in today. I’ll add some bat guano near the end along with some Molasses.
  13. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Neighbors or my health? Hmm
  14. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    They will be pulled anyway as they have no chance of surviving under the one ready to go in.
  15. Jay p123

    2018 Grow your own thread

    Went out to start cleaning the beds and found this. Looks like the right plant tried to reproduce it self. Found 2 babies lol. Not sure if I’ll let them ride or not. So far they are putting up with the weather lol.
  16. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    Yeah really!! Just a start. Lol
  17. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    You know 20 600/750 Gavitas, a 1000ft warehouse waiting and a bank full of cash. 100 plants is easy peezy.
  18. Jay p123

    ACMPR - wait times

    Inspections lol. Imagine. You can build a 3 bedroom tree house in my plants. Lmao