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  1. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    No issues here. Things are looking good. Once we get through today and tomorrow morning. The next 10 days are supposed to sunny, low to mid 70s.
  2. Sevenleaves

    Original Skunk #1 outdoors.

    You'll be all set going through October. Unless you get a hard freeze. They will handle a few normal frost. Most years I don't chop mine until the 3rd or 4th week.
  3. Sevenleaves

    Need advice

    Kinda like asking what kind of oil to use in your car. Your going to get all kinds of answers going both ways depending on preferences. I myself don't defoliate other than stuff on the very bottom and yellowing leaves during flower.
  4. Sevenleaves

    Outdoor Grow (with Coast of Maine Stonington Blend & Fox Farm Nutes)

    You should be fine, as long as the plants are happy and not looking over fed. If your still feeding them the grow big, you might want to ease up on that. You should have plenty of N in your soil now that your in flower. I use to use the fox farm line up, it's works well but IMO not worth the...
  5. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    If your chickens are picking cats off that plant, I don't wanna meet the chickens. lol
  6. Sevenleaves

    2 of my plants not budding in Ontario outdoor

    I am in Maine, one of my GG is just now starting to bud. It's twin started two weeks ago. For whatever the reason all my plants seemed to start later this year.Hang in there.
  7. Sevenleaves

    Brown pistils in 3rd week of flowering - what does it mean?

    There was a time when most weed had seeds in it.
  8. Sevenleaves

    Maine 2021

    I'm in about the same boat here in the southern part of the state. Plants are nice but smaller than last year. Flower was a later as well, everything thing is on its way now though. I'll throw up a few pictures later.
  9. Sevenleaves

    Open show an tell2021.

    Looking good. Been a strange year for most of us in 207, the month of non stop rain in July wasn't a real positive thing. Mine are doing OK, last year's grow had larger plants. I still have one GG that hasn't started budding yet, all others have within the last week or two.
  10. Sevenleaves

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    Couple quick photos from my deck.
  11. Sevenleaves

    photoperiod timing

    Your plants are starting to flower now.
  12. Sevenleaves

    shy i see no bud forming

    It will happen be patient. I have 8 plants, 5 different strains. Currently only 4 are budding, the GG and OD are taking their time. It will happen soon.
  13. Sevenleaves

    Leaves curling up and diyng out, please help identifying the cause.

    When you say you fertilized with urine. Your not pissing on it or dumping piss on it I hope.
  14. Sevenleaves

    Weed porn from Toronto area - flowering already

    Your on time. Outside most will start to flower when the days start getting shorter 13-14 hours. Nice looking plants.
  15. Sevenleaves

    Outdoor growing status in south eastern Ontario

    It's that time of year, I'm in Maine and mine have just started flowering.
  16. Sevenleaves

    Getting close to harvest?

    Long ways to go still.
  17. Sevenleaves

    Open show an tell2021.

    Things are getting bushy here, they will start stretching before to long.
  18. Sevenleaves

    Farmyard manure in field soil

    I generally do about 50/50 composited manure and regular compost with some Espona Garden Tone mixed in at the beginning. I amend it fish emulsion later on, then with bloom and blossom booster when it starts to flower. As long as your Manure is composited you really can't over do it.
  19. Sevenleaves

    Farmyard manure in field soil

    Composited manure works very well. Your plants will be happy.
  20. Sevenleaves

    Bug poop in my buds??

    Rot setting in cut it out and spray with peroxide and hope for the best. As said caterpillars shitting on your buds is likely your cause.