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  1. N

    Light Swapping for energy savings

    Has anyone every tried using LED's or T5's in place of 1000 watt bulbs for a couple hrs on each side of the light cycle? My energy has been creeping up into the 700$ a month range and I was thinking of hanging a T5 6 bulb next to each one of my 1000's and swapping them for 1 1/2 hrs on each side...
  2. N


    As always looking great MD!!! I can almost smell the fumes emitting from your place. or that could be the joint I just finished! Have a great Christmas and a stony new year!!!
  3. N

    Wholesale vs. Retail POUNDS!!!!

    You can buy the best indoor available in Humboldt for $2200 right now and Humboldt LBS are 460-465 always! If your traveling through Craigslist is loaded with deals from 800 to 2200 always. I can still remember the days of the $4000 dollar LB not so long ago. Now Colorado and Washington are...
  4. N

    Light Fuse and get away!!!

    I love it! That looks like a ton of fun work. I just cut a pad for a 40x80 auto darkening green house I can't wait to start assembling it. The utility company my 50% partner is pushing everyone outside our rates just jumped again and now Humboldt wants to put a 45% tax on PG&E usage. I hope your...
  5. N

    What Kind of Seaweed Extract/Kelp Do You Use?

    I use Age Old Kelp and have for years. I just found a supplier on Amazon that will ship for 31 bucks a gallon or 59.00 for 2.5 gallons. The stuff is awesome and I can really tell the difference when I don't use it.
  6. N

    Note to self thread

    No check out the lost coast outpost blog full story if u look back to Saturday posts shit like that happens weekly around here!
  7. N

    Note to self thread

    They couldn't read the no smoking caution on the can! I would have Carpul tunnel blasting all those cans holly shit!
  8. N

    Note to self thread

    This is defiantly a note to self! Do not smoke while making BHO ever! This photo was taken just south of my house here in Humboldt. It happened Friday night late. There is a full write-up in the lost coast outpost blog pretty intense but it happens around here almost weekly. At a minimum there...
  9. N

    Chewberto's Secret Garden....

    Looks sweet can almost smell her through the screen!! All your girls look great!
  10. N

    Is selling really that profitable?

    Here in Humboldt the price is around 1500 for AAA indoor and around 800 for outs! I know guys that let OG outs go for $500 this year in big lots. I just saw someone on Humboldt CL Farm and Garden selling LBS for $2000 I think OG. Most of the time its on there for 1200-1500 per LB.
  11. N

    Gorilla Glue #4

    I can't wait to see what the girls will do. They seem to have a good rep and I'm ready to change up from Blue Dream. I picked up 7 GG#4, 7 Larry og, 7, Sour D.OG, and 7 SFV OG. I also currently run a Lost coast OG that is the bomb I just have problems with PM on them all the time. The GG#4 is...
  12. N

    Gorilla Glue #4

    I just picked up a few Gorilla Glue #4 clones today at the local nursery along with several OG strains. Has anyone ran the GG#4 indoors? I was just wondering how they turned out, the online reviews look really good but I haven't had a chance to try them out until now. They sell out as soon as...
  13. N

    Note to self thread

    That's truly a sad story I sure hope mine don't do that. I can't say that I have ever seen a bird on or around my panels, but I'm not normally looking at them either. I'll set up one of my game cameras up there this weekend so I can see if they land on the panels. There are so many trees around...
  14. N

    Note to self thread

    This is how I do my part in screwing the power companies here in Cali. I installed 32 solar panels that crank over 7000 watts per hr into the grid from 11 am to 5 pm. Before 11 am and after 5 pm the power drops until they turn off. I can power 3 1000 watt lights with fans and pumps almost...
  15. N

    Note to self thread

    I know what you mean work and live there your whole life its time to get out of rat race and enjoy life. I worked at the Martin Luther King shopping center, Compton, and a couple weeks in Korea town. I got a pretty good tour of the area enough to know I didn't want to live there. Just remember...
  16. N

    Note to self thread

    How can it be so much? That power down there is crazy do you have a pool and ac? They would have to pay me 10X that just to live there! lol I was there during the 92 riots in the military and saw the side of LA that most don't. Since then we fly into Disney and fly out every few years. You...
  17. N

    i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

    Arm yourself with information that's all you need. Guns against cops is never a good option save the guns for the bad guys. Cops are just trying to make a living sometimes they just need a push in the other direction.
  18. N

    What is the best/favorite vaporizer pens in your opinion?

    Snaps is there anything you don't know your like a computer generated answer for any Thanks Snaps always a great answer! I wish you lived in Cali your probably a cool dude to hang with.... Enjoy the rest of your weekend
  19. N

    i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

    Option # 2 is a little more complex than the pay off. Follow the undercover cop around for a while until you find out where he lives who he knows and everything else about him. It won't take long to get leverage on him or his family. Most of the time a cop will fuck up with in a couple of days...
  20. N

    Note to self thread

    This place is far from happy this time of year, last week there were three murders within 40 miles of my house 2 of them were from out of the area found shot along side of the highway. We have more violent crimes than Washington DC per capita. Its the only thing that bothers me about living in a...