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  1. N

    Not Just Playing Anymore... New Vacuum Oven!

    I'm going to do my first run of BHO this weekend can't wait! Thanks for all the tips over the year or so I've been reading your posts you guys really know how to play. I have several lbs of seeded BD and GSC that I plan on practicing on. I just ordered and received my pump and vac chamber. I...
  2. N

    Sf cannabis cup

    Have you guys been to the SF cup before? I was planning on attending so I bought tickets and forgot that were going camping on the 28th in so. Humboldt through the 4th. I just can't leave for the day without kids they wouldn't let me go. I'm going to make it for sure next year we have smaller...
  3. N

    What do ya think here are a couple pictures of GSC and BD 4 weeks into bloom

    I started bloom on April 1st and there 50 days to finish. Just in time for summer! The gsc is one of the best strains I have grown heavy yield and low maintenance . I have been working on that strain for a couple years now and it's a keeper.
  4. N

    What do ya think here are a couple pictures of GSC and BD 4 weeks into bloom

    Here are a couple of shots of my girls. The BD are the taller ones and the GSC are the smaller. There about 4 weeks into bloom. P1090513.JPG File size: 5.2 MB Views: 25 P1090519.JPG File size: 5 MB Views: 32 P1090521.JPG File size: 5.1 MB Views: 27 P1090517.JPG File size: 4.6 MB
  5. N

    What do ya Think? Girl Scout and Blue Dream 4 Weeks into Bloom

    Ya I selected these from around 100 seeds this girl was the fasted to ripen most of the others were 60 to 65 days. Shes a winner very heavy yield and a quick grower I have also been breeding this one with a purple male. I should have some seeds in a few weeks can't wait to select the finest out...
  6. N

    What do ya Think? Girl Scout and Blue Dream 4 Weeks into Bloom

    Here's a few pictures of my girls 4 weeks into bloom. I have around 50/50 Girl Scout and BD with another 10 strains along the wall. The GSC should be ready at 50 days while the BD is around 60. There filling out nicely and the stink is starting to come on!!
  7. N

    Reefer Business Entrepreneurs

    We all need to fall back on the black market!! There are way too many fuckers with there hands out these days including our own worthless government. For years those suits took as many of us as they could to jail for a relatively victimless crime . Now there are partners in the business and will...
  8. N

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    Sounds like a good time it would be fun to meet all of you. I will be traveling by Sac on Friday but just can stay over. I have a refrigeration conference in beautiful Modesto on Thur. but have to be home by Friday night to pick up kids. Maybe next year I can hit it? If any of you are ever up in...
  9. N

    Is this mold?

    I use 1 part FF milk to 9 parts H2O and it keep them in check with PM issues. I use it as preventive more than a cure. If the PM is very thick it wont kill it but as it appears spray the area you'll be surprised how well it works and your plants love it. PM starts at a higher humidity but will...
  10. N

    Getting antsy, help me decide when to chop!

    What are you waiting for pull it!! She looks very tasty and ready too go. What strain is in the picture?
  11. N

    Is selling really that profitable?

    There used to be great money in growing but all the greedy fuckers have screwed it up. Not only the growers but the state has too. Here locally the county is trying to pass a 45% tax on you energy bill if you use too much power. By too much power I mean 3 to 4 lights along with accessory's there...
  12. N

    Getting tired of Recreational ruining it for Medical. My Bitch Thread.

    The same damn thing has happened in Cali but here its the medical market that killed the prices. At this time AA+ indoor is going for around 1600 per pound and the better outdoor is at 800. I have never seen prices this low. This next year could change though because were in a major drought most...
  13. N

    Soil Mix

    I use subcools organic super soil soil mix on the bottom of my beds. Most of the components available on amazon with free shipping. I started using it a couple cycles ago and it really made the smell and taste unbelievable. I think for the money its well worth it. I'm going to use it outside...
  14. N

    How did the GSC turn out? Its one of the all time best strains that I've ever grown. I revegged...

    How did the GSC turn out? Its one of the all time best strains that I've ever grown. I revegged the best plant out of the bunch to keep for a mother and the offspring look as incredible as the mom. Good luck
  15. N

    Hortilux Eye Blues for Flowering??

    I have always used eye hort. 1000 watt bulbs from start to finish then got the crazy idea to go cheep with ipower bulbs 29$ on amazon. They dropped my yield from 1 1/2 lbs per 1000 down to around 3/4. The single biggest mistake I have made growing in 20 years. Just wanted to throw it out so...
  16. N

    Looking for clones

    Go onto Humboldt Craigslist farm and garden you can buy any strain of clones, shake, trimmings, hash and everything in between! They will probably even ship to you?
  17. N

    Sf's 3200 watt grow

    Bummer! At least your not a couple months down the road. They should be pretty easy to kill when the ladies are that small. I would glove up and dip them roots and all in flora-mite then replace soil. Not sure of spelling but works great on small plants. Dip once now and again in 3 or 4 days...
  18. N

    Unconventional Organics

    I have been using fat free milk on powdery mildew for a couple of years. It really does work as long as the mildew is not out of control and the plants love it. I mix the milk I part to 9 parts water then store the left over in the refrigerator. I will try and remove the worst leaves then spray...
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    Sf's 3200 watt grow

    Its nice to see a start to finish project it gets me motivated to make a change and expand my current situation. Keep the posts coming!!
  20. N

    Sf's 3200 watt grow

    In SF can't you just use the cool foggy air running through the lights to keep temps down? I can't remember a day in the bay where it was over 80 deg.. I live in about the same climate and only need ac to run CO2 burners. I use the hot air from the 1000's to warm my garage up to around 70 deg. I...