Getting antsy, help me decide when to chop!

No way I'd pull it yet but thats just me. It doesnt look ready to me but I'm not there to check what the scope says. I like to see some amber break through the clouds. And it looks like at least some Sativia influence goin on so I really dont think its ready yet. You havent said how long it has been flowering for ?
From what I can see, she's not ready quite yet. I too, like to see some amber coming through on the trichs before I chop em.
Others like to chop em down earlier or later, depending on the effect they want from their weed, usually.
I concur with what's been said above, she doesn't have that 'finished' look to her yet, maybe another 2 weeks, 14 days aint that long of a wait considering all the waiting you've done to get to this point :peace:
Wait until you see 20% amber. A lot of those "milky" trichomes your seeing are most likely aren't at there peak point if your not seeing any amber mixed in.
Can you speak to the overall smell profile of these during your grow?
What it smells like and how strongly?
What (if any) odor control you have going?
Looks great. Chop when you see the first tinge of amber and go for a slow dry -- she'll continue to ripen and will end up around 10% amber and be perfect.

Great grow! Congrats!