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  1. psychedelictripper

    Sannies order take how long?

    Been 8 business days, 11 days total. Is that still early to clear customs?
  2. psychedelictripper

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    And you had quite a jungle! lol Your tomatoes were getting killed. It's like Sigmund the Sea Monster. I'm jealous I wish I could try that.
  3. psychedelictripper

    Fox Farm Trio Pack?

    The price for those 3 is reasonable when you consider how high the commission rate is on Amazon(greater than Ebay). It might be cheaper if you have a hydroponics store near you.
  4. psychedelictripper

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    That must have been an unbelievable feeling of relief afterwards. I would have been extremely hyper afterwards. Maybe they thought things were contained enough? Are there specifics as to the dimension of an outdoor grow? Whatever the case I need to move.
  5. psychedelictripper

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    I doubt blasting your radio from 7-11 is a right why it's asking for the cops to come back to respond to a disturbance. As vindictive as I can be he might be better off sending them over some brownies lol
  6. psychedelictripper

    growing in a farmers field good or bad ?

    What sort of ethics did you acquire? Oh I see the Eagles...Michael Vick. The farmer could still get into trouble. At best he would have an embarrassing situation on his hands. Don't think for a second they wouldn't raid his house, take all his computers and make his life quite miserable for...
  7. psychedelictripper

    Just took a walk thru my backyard

    You must have some tropical strawberries the ones I have up in the NE are very hardy. Hit -11 once this year. Did you know strawberries are very much related to cannabis? Just a slight variation in their genetic makeup.
  8. psychedelictripper

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    Next time the cops are in front of your house place your documentation and green card as you say in the window. You know though they could be there for an entirely different reason. Why not find out by listening to the police bands/radio? You can probably find your local broadcast online.
  9. psychedelictripper

    Can you re-use soil after harvest?

    I think the term soil needs to be eliminated here. Fox Farm's Ocean Forest is not soil, it's not dirt, it is a soil-less potting mix. They do indicate they add sand but there would be trivial amounts compared with say a well balanced garden soil or loam. OF is meant to be light and airy just...
  10. psychedelictripper

    New Bills Files In Massachusetts

    Not very good ones though.
  11. psychedelictripper

    Led Users Unite!

    Look out for Witchie Poo, she's always trying to get a toke off the flute ;)
  12. psychedelictripper

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm about to take the Blackstar plunge. From what I am gathering from above if you only have 1 light restrict the grow room to 2 plants? I wish to grow Killing Fields(Sannies) in 5 gallon buckets with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest. I'll be running the light 12/12 from the get go. Am I going to run...
  13. psychedelictripper

    How Much Weight Can A 2x4 Hold?

    You could also use hardwood 2x4's but forget about nails....Frame work is almost always made out of soft woods such as spruce/pine because it's cheap and easier to work with. However if you keep your beams short and balance the load as other have suggested it should work no matter what the wood...
  14. psychedelictripper

    How much smell from one plant

    I think for a carbon filter to be most effective you have to minimize the area it has to filter(Ie: grow tent). It's like an air conditioner. If you leave a bunch of doors open, and even windows it's like you're air conditioning the entire house. Isolate one room and you're cool as a cucumber...
  15. psychedelictripper

    Sannies versus Attitude

    Sorry English is my 4th language. This is a list of the seedlings you will be sending me via an over night, Smokey and the Bandit style romp? East bound and down loaded up and tokin, we're gonna smoke and have a lot of fun, it's a long draw to get there but that's what will be done...we're east...
  16. psychedelictripper

    Sannies versus Attitude

    Yeah I was just going with it myself. Yeah probably could use a thread of it's own. Btw I use the word hippies to over simplify things. Otherwise I'm writing books. I'm an heirloom kind of gardener so i would seek out strains closer to what others experienced in another era if you will. I'm...
  17. psychedelictripper

    How much smell from one plant

    Case and point.
  18. psychedelictripper

    How much smell from one plant

    In that case can you say Lowenbrau? But it is one plant and that should be manageable. You might want to construct a grow room within the closet so you can control the environment more.
  19. psychedelictripper

    How much smell from one plant

    Are you using a carbon filter system?
  20. psychedelictripper

    How much smell from one plant

    Depends on numerous factors as mentioned. One thing I've come to find is people who have spent a lot of time around weed become immune or desensitized to the odor. If it's an indica it's probably going to smell like skunky beer right away. As the plant grows this will increase. There are...