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  1. TigerChan

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    ingesting it your useing almost all of the thc. smoking your probly useing about 10% unless you ghost hit it
  2. TigerChan

    Possible Stroke??

    okay, so heres my question. about two years ago i go to vegas to watch the monster energy cup. i had been smoking weed straight for about 3 years at this point, and the night before i leave my buddy brings over a quarter of coke. It was my first time doin a stimulant (other than putting coke in...
  3. TigerChan

    They got me. .. :(

    dam this is getting out of controll, i ordered in march and i got all mine no problem. i was hoping to make another order but not with all this mess going on:(
  4. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    check in before you chop them, its hard to go too long u know? the plants will let you know when theyre done.
  5. TigerChan

    2013 Grow

    looking more than good. very nice, should get some fat nugs off of those strong girls
  6. TigerChan

    Plants not flowering yet!!!!!!!!!

    with some of mine i have the same problem, my thinking is that sativas are more from the equator. so theyre used to more of a 14/12 shedule and it takes more of a strict 12/12 to put them into flowering. because my hybrids and indicas are well into flowering and my sativas are barely starting...
  7. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    they might out grow your space, guna be huge by the time your budding ones are done, and once the clones are done theyl be about double from what they are when you start flowering, in my outdoor right now they started to show hairs at 3 feet and now theyre up to 6 feet tall
  8. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    wow thats looking real nice. those clones are going to get huuuuge as they bud
  9. TigerChan

    Yay, first grow!

    good lord. thats a beauty
  10. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    update? pictures?:)
  11. TigerChan


    in trace amounts.
  12. TigerChan

    What kind of strain random seed?

    if you take a few of the leaves, place them on a piece of paper and burn it. the ash will spell out the name of the strain
  13. TigerChan

    Take 10 seconds to tell me how close I am to harvest.

    dont do it! at the point where your all blown and am about to chop it down. dont
  14. TigerChan

    Spider Mites Infestation

    try spectracide triazicide. can be bought at lowes for ten bucks for a big ol jug. it murders everything. just dont use it within a month before cropping. i always use it and never have a return of any bugs
  15. TigerChan

    Take 10 seconds to tell me how close I am to harvest.

    3 weeks im saying. it wont hurt it to go longer. and youl pack on more weight. i always would cut mine way too soon. until my buddy grew one and let it bud for what seemed like forever. when he dried it the buds didnt shrink at all and he pulled an ounce off of a 1 foot plant
  16. TigerChan

    how many hours of sunlight does a plant need outdoors?

    i read somewhere that a plant outside in the shade gets more lumens than under a 1000 watt
  17. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    right now is the critical stage where your size of buds are guna come in p.s. those vegged children look super healthy!
  18. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    they look super healthy. why are you only feeding 1/4th? do you have a ppm meter? theyre only about 40 bucks and they help a ton. advanced nutrients and other companys have basic ppm shedules on their websites. they seem super healthy, im sure they can take more nutrients for sure. i dose mine...
  19. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    what are you feeding them? and how much/ how often? too many pages to look throo everything