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    Super sweet orange varieties in general and Is Tangies high trash?

    In all my years of growing weed I have come across ONE single plant with the orange smell that was good. I have a very hard time understanding why so many people talk about the Tangies and Orange strains, they suck IMO.
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    The Trump* Curse

    Thank goodness we have a fantastic leader like Trump to lead us.. If we had Obama at least 6k people would be dead now. A lot like when the Obama Flu came around and he did nothing for 6 months except let people die.
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    Coronavirus? What's the big deal?

    You arent really buying into the Chinese propaganda are you? Hahaha stoner politics, so funny.
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    Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

    I love reading stoner politics. You guys are some of the funniest people I have ever come across. Too bad you are actually serious about the ridiculous crap you post. Hilarious.
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    Does Joe Biden suffer from dementia?

    So basically the consensus is Biden is freaking awful, but a tad better than the buffoon in office now. How far have our standards fallen? We can't have ONE good candidate to lead out country?
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    Funny, because the Dems have chosen the worst batch of candidates possible I must be a Trump supporter. Nope, another year of no vote cast by me. Give me a candidate who is worthy of my valuable vote and I will support them, until then they are all just as bad as the other.
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    OK then. Biden 2020.

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women know the thing." Come on, someone please help this man. Arrest his staff for elderly abuse and get this man to a doctor.
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    3 house owning, climate change Bernie really stepped up the hypocrisy by opting out of a 2 hour ride in a car, for the luxury of 3 jets flying himself and staff. "Jets only took 10 minutes, why drive when you can fly for 10 minutes?"
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    For you who are making fun of UncleBuck's crap ass job... You should be proud of him. He has spent his entire adult life freeloading. Atleast he broke down and took his broke ass to work. Of course, he refuses to work on any job that includes minorities... but hey it's a start.
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    There is absolutely no way to fix healthcare without slapping the ever loving shit out of Big Pharm. My close friend had a stroke. His medicine is 400 a month. I am a diabetic, my insulin comes out around 800 a month. My mother has COPD, her medicine is around 1100 a month. etc. etc...
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    Oh I am 100% certain you spend a lot more time on fascist and white pride groups than I do, since I dont spend any time at all on that trash. Just funny to me how you liberals on the rollitup site spend more time on hate groups forums than you do anywhere else. Gotta have your hourly dose of...
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    Sanders just screwed the pooch with every moderate in the entire world with his Castro love. "he educated his people!" yeah moron pretty sure that was re-educating his people. You know taught them so they could read all of his propaganda...
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    The Problems With Biden

    2nd worst. Hillary was the worst and well, you see how that turned out. Biden is coming in at a very close 3rd and may even surpass Trump if the DNC allows him to continue. You lying, dog-faced pony soldier.
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    Are the Dem's doomed in 2020?

    Of course if you really believed that you wouldnt be here typing you would be leading by example... unless of course, you just want everyone else to die, just not you.
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    The State of the Union?

    You know how hard it is to make Republicans look good? Yet somehow these idiot Dems are managing it. Wow, just wow.
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    So you have gotten a lot of males and females but very few other pronouns? seriously though, are you saying you are getting a lot of males, or a lot of females?
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    You might want to find a new hobby. I dont care what the strain is, there is a chance you will get "crappy shit again". It is part of the dice roll when working with seeds. I have had popped seeds from the same pack where 1 plant was absolute freaking FIRE and 1 plant was absolute crap, and the...
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    for people who buy a lot of seeds....

    I hate those little glass vials with the stoppers. Everytime I try to pull it out, I think I am going to spill it. Boxes are too big, I have enough issues with storage space for too many seeds.
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    ACE Ethiopian

    Ive noticed you have been growing different sativas for awhile. Up to this point have you found any you would consider a keeper? I went through a sativa kick for about 5 years and grew abunch of different sativa strains. I never found one worth the effort. Some were pretty good, but when you...
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    Market Flooded..strain variety overload?

    Seems to me there are a million different names, but only a fraction of different strains.