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  1. Dr. Greenhorn

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    And who's the fucking pervert again?
  2. Dr. Greenhorn

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Do the leg work're intelligent enough, right? I'm adding to's all there on the net to's and con's of GMO... straight from the people who deal with this situation on a daily basis....don't like doing leg work? Then don't..i said where to look, the hawaii tribune
  3. Dr. Greenhorn

    neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup

    :lol: that was funny
  4. Dr. Greenhorn

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    I'm pretty sure indagrow is gonna make a sudden charge Up the charts..not casting my vote yet, but i think indagrow is the darkhorse for sure
  5. Dr. Greenhorn

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    Lol contest didn't even start. Votes go back to zero and everyone re-votes. One pick only...that's how it usually works anyway
  6. Dr. Greenhorn

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Noon-ish update
  7. Dr. Greenhorn

    Hawaii Growers

    Guarantee. I get hot water shower my place now..and portable lua!!! How's that for stylin! Haha hit me up when you stay in puna
  8. Dr. Greenhorn

    Hawaii Growers

    Right on. That's the one. She was solid smokes. What was the other one? The buds was tight on that one. Also solid smokes
  9. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    Skin so thin
  10. Dr. Greenhorn

    Hawaii Growers

    @surfd. Bro, i stay popping seeds from the stuff you gave me lol Stay popping already any idea what strain it is? It's the more green, leafy one that it came from
  11. Dr. Greenhorn

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Pretty much...we always gotta be on the lookout for powdery mildew and mold though Other areas is different though. I live in east Hawaii. West HI, totally different ballgame. It's dry as fuck there
  12. Dr. Greenhorn

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    We use de-humidifiers a lot... where i live, if i keep my buds out on the table, it stays wet and gets even wetter in the am. lol true story
  13. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    The trails beyond
  14. Dr. Greenhorn

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Ya man. Good thing we got tradewinds.
  15. Dr. Greenhorn

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    9 am stats
  16. Dr. Greenhorn

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    One more for discussion. ...articles to be found in the hawaii tribune Sorry for the upside down, hard to read image,..but ya, articles in hawaii tribune all week
  17. Dr. Greenhorn

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Adding to discussion
  18. Dr. Greenhorn

    Prison experiences

    Reminds me of blood in, blood out.. AWesome stories jj. Keep em coming
  19. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    lol i meant the upper 48, lol. If there wasn't an ocean dividing us, it would be a lot easier handing them out lol And ya man, year round. I got some ish for you too, well in a few months. I got bubble gum male and females i bought from serious seeds a while back that are growing now. My buddy...
  20. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    molokai frost. Little different on the structure compared to the other one Enough pics for now...more to come later