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  1. cannetix Inc

    What Are You Listening To?

  2. cannetix Inc

    What Are You Listening To?

  3. cannetix Inc

    Adding led to hps? Is it worth it

    I read the question, the "1200w" example I gave was just that, an example, and obviously an extreme one. Just because you have grown with a 400 watt HPS doesn't mean anything. Like I said in my first post, it depends on many factors including both lumen output and the number of plants, as well...
  4. cannetix Inc

    What do you do for SECURITY in your grow area?

    Ever seen Skallagrim on youtube? You might be interested in his videos... :mrgreen:
  5. cannetix Inc

    Slow to no growth (4 and 3 week olds)

    Okay, a few things I can suggest here. First and foremost, repotting will stunt plants severely - that's called transplant shock. Nutrients and moisture are absorbed through tiny "root hairs" invisible to the naked eye. These hairs are relatively delicate and become damaged and removed when...
  6. cannetix Inc

    Is this bud rot?

    It doesn't appear to be bud rot, but something is certainly off. It's hard to tell due to the discoloration in the pictures (Grow lights should be turned off for pics to get the best possible advice -...
  7. cannetix Inc

    Bad RFI Knocking Out Internet Connection

    Download a utility called 'InSSIDer'. It's a free network scanning tool that will allow you to visualize WiFi networks and find bands with minimal interference. Most modern routers allow you to choose between multiple bands. It may or may not help, but its a great software in my opinion. Besides...
  8. cannetix Inc

    Adding led to hps? Is it worth it

    Nope, they won't. High light intensity will damage Chlorophyll molecules, which there are only so many of, to begin with. IF you haven't reached your plants limit in...
  9. cannetix Inc

    Any downhill/freestyle skiers here?

    Wheres your favorite place to ride? Whistler-Blackcomb here!
  10. cannetix Inc

    What do you do for SECURITY in your grow area?

    As the title implies, this thread will focus on all things security. Tried to find a similar thread but had no luck, so hopefully, this isn't a duplicate. My apologies if it is! What are some of the tips, tricks, and tools you use to protect your grow space? We're mainly focusing on physical...
  11. cannetix Inc

    Stoners favorite snacks?

    Only ever seen them once in a local bakery, they were delicious, not a flavor you commonly see though. Macarons in general of all different kinds are pretty easy to find, they're becoming quite the trend, not that I can blame people for that. :mrgreen:
  12. cannetix Inc

    estimated yield for DIY LED guys?

    If you're not careful with CO2 it will do more harm than good. You can't exactly just blindly pump a tank of CO2 into the tent or keep chunks of dry ice sitting around, its best to use a CO2 ppm meter and adjustable regulator with a tank, which are all relatively costly. There is a lot of...
  13. cannetix Inc

    non hippie glass?

    Always loved McFinns designs, not too pricy, either, although they aren't as simple and clean as you may be looking for. The Activated carbon is an interesting addition, I have tried it, and although I have no idea how it may effect THC content of the smoke it certainly improves flavor and makes...
  14. cannetix Inc

    Good sites to order glass?

    Brothers with Glass for Canada, Aqualabs for the USA, both have the best selection of high-quality glass including some killer concentrate rigs! Aqualabs may or may not ask you to call them to confirm your order which is kind of a hassle but they are top notch. I'm waiting for the day Amazon...
  15. cannetix Inc

    For those relying on Public VPN's for security....

    There are some VPN providers out there that don't keep logs and are located in countries where they are not required to keep logs. VPN providers located in the US are required by law to keep logs of all traffic if I am not mistaken, so all of them are out of the question. Of course, there is no...
  16. cannetix Inc

    Adding led to hps? Is it worth it

    It depends. LEDs are actually "better" than HPS and other HIDs in terms of spectrum, in my personal experience at least. Of course, a high-quality HID is going to perform better than a crappy Chinese LED, but a good quality full spectrum LED with UV and IR diodes might help your plants - that is...
  17. cannetix Inc

    The eternal question... harvest early or leave to ripen and get mouldy buds? Thoughts please.

    I agree with everyone else here. Premature bud is at least smokable, but rotten bud is not. If its just powdery mildew on the leaves I would just cut them off, spray them with some copper soap and call it a day but bud rot is very persistent and can destroy your entire crop quickly.
  18. cannetix Inc

    Marijuana, Mushrooms, and More!

    Yellow Orange Amanita Muscaria aka Fly-Agaric From Ontario Canada
  19. cannetix Inc

    Pain Disorder: Will marijuana help?

    While I am not a medical doctor I can offer some advice. In my opinion, Cannabis isn't a highly effective treatment for chronic pain, especially if its caused by psychological stress (which pain disorder is thought to be caused by). If however, your friend does decide to use Cannabis as a way...