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  1. 420

    Strongest strain in the world? WW? NL? something else?

    so rmax, have u tried any of the strains u mentioned? i'm growing Sensi Skunk and Nirvana Northern Lights at the moment. Maybe in the late summer I'll try growing some of the ones you mentioned - any in particular u'd recommend for indoor growing?
  2. 420

    How often should i water my seedlings?

    yeah i thought about using an empty Windex spray bottle - but i decided not to, because i couldn't be sure that all the chemicals were cleaned out. The last thing i want to do is spray Windex residue on my plants ;-)
  3. 420

    Strongest strain in the world? WW? NL? something else?

    Hey So what's the strongest strain in the world? I keep hearing that it's either White Widow or Northern Lights. Let us know your own experiences of strains with the highest THC levels.
  4. 420

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    This image shows when to harvest:
  5. 420

    help... :( I think my baby is dieing.

    good luck - hope the sick plant recovers!
  6. 420

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    ok this link shows you when to harvest: When To Harvest
  7. 420

    how many plants needed??

    hey insanelane, i heard that you CAN smoke male plants too but they have less THC. on one forum i saw a post where a dude smoked his male plant and got so stoned that he passed out! in the interests of this entire forum, u shld try it and report back to us, cos this is question that everyone...
  8. 420

    help... :( I think my baby is dieing.

    oh and u moved them closer to the light? maybe that's the cause of the drooping plant - it's probably too hot and the plant is dehydrating.
  9. 420

    help... :( I think my baby is dieing.

    ok there's 4 most likely causes with the growing conditions: 1) not enought light 2) too much heat 3) not enough water 4) too much water you said plant A is ok, and plant B is drooping. is there any difference in the growing conditions of plant A and plant B?
  10. 420

    Love your plants?

    Ok this might sound a bit whacky but: Do you talk to your plants to make them grow faster? Do you play music to your plants to make them grow faster? Do you send love vibes to your plants to make them grow faster? Do you encourage your plants to become female by giving them female names or...
  11. 420

    How often should i water my seedlings?

    sorry i meant to say: each seedling gets about 25 or 50 mls of water per watering - not very much.
  12. 420

    How often should i water my seedlings?

    i water mine once every day or two. each seedling gets about 50 or 100 mls of water per watering - not very much.
  13. 420

    PH at 6.5 to 6.7 is this high?

    tried to post this and my browser crashed - so am trying again: Chek out Appendix A on page 24 for a list of PH levels in bottled mineral water:
  14. 420

    My Understanding Thus Far On Why We Are All Here

    so this topic has turned into a debate on vegetarianism? back to the point - My understanding on why we're here ... is to enjoy every f*ckin day. eat meat if u want. be veggie if you want. smoke weed if you want. love one another if you want. when i'm stressed ... i usually put on some...
  15. 420

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    Firstly dude you should PLAN AHEAD. I recommend you grow your own again, so that way you won't have to pay street prices for weed once your harvest is ready in about 3 months. You don't need much space to grow. I've got a space 2 feet by 1 feet with 10 seedlings in there. In the meantime try...
  16. 420

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    like her trimmed or shaved. and she's got to be shower fresh before i go down there.
  17. 420

    4:20 am

    it's 9:35 pm here in London. must be like 4:35pm in New York? 4:20 is sweeping it's way across the world as we speak.
  18. 420

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    this morning was a Wake n Bake. it's 9:30pm now - think i'm gonna roll one
  19. 420

    Mineral Water PH levels

    Hi people, A lot of growers (including myself) use bottled mineral water instead of tap water for their plants. Ever wondered what the PH level is? Well this will tell you (jump to Appendix A on page 24):
  20. 420

    PH at 6.5 to 6.7 is this high?

    hey i'm using Eden Falls mineral water which has a PH of 6.9 and my plants seem to be happy in it.