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  1. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    lol... Love ya Qk but I gotta.... Said the gentleman with 4k+ posts :) I kid I kid...haha
  2. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Had to post this pic of some more of the Cheese Shatter... This is the most epic strain I've ever had the pleasure of extracting... Death Valley *Swiss*Cheese
  3. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I; Sir dabs, hereby retract my statement of the price of DSW's kits 135$ for a pre-fabbed set of screens that work that efficiently with a USB scope..... Sounds like a good deal, considering the competition... Everything else I looked at .. At least 200$ and up, with no scope and no...
  4. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Thank you sooooo much War!!!! ” Air Rep” To you as well...I just woke up, gonna make my morning forum rounds and watch this on my television..... I've got Directv, can enter the exact name of the clip and I can watch in 47” in HD.. rather than the phone screen. Thanks again, but somehow I have...
  5. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Please do tell me where to find this War... I'm trying to envision a way, but need some ideas.
  6. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    So, how bout lowering the price of your screens bro? I would scoop one up right now if the price were more sensible. Or even a tutorial on simply micron sizes, what shape the openings are.... To help out us patients. I'm truly sick with a fuct off disease and love the idea of the purity of...
  7. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Thunder, Thunder, Thudercatttss!! Hoooooooo!!! Hey, that was a fantastic post brother.. ” air rep”... Had to make some shatter out of the leftover Cheese and some random buds to full up the tube. Pic time...
  8. Sirdabsalot462

    How to make BHO from large amount of trim (5+ lbs)

    Just to elaborate on my above post^... I started out just like you, hell you are using my But I made small small batches with my toaster oven, when the batches got a little bigger, I purchased a hand vac (25-30$) The brake bleeder Mity-vac.. I always thought.. ” this is pretty...
  9. Sirdabsalot462

    How to make BHO from large amount of trim (5+ lbs)

    Whoa.. 33 g's??? Without a vac at all? Winterize winterize... You are gonna lose yield but, that's way way too much without having a means of altering atmospheric pressure. No intentions on sounding dick-ish... But, we have had some communication, in which you are now a friend of mine. I do...
  10. Sirdabsalot462

    Real Chemistry

    Right? Whoowouldathunkit?
  11. Sirdabsalot462

    My BHOgart experience....

    Redbeard Extractors... Pm him on **mag. Terp V for the win though
  12. Sirdabsalot462

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    Lol How ya been bro? Dayyummm... I just sold a 1/4 oz of my DVC wax for 200$ flat. Due to the circumstances all profit. And people wonder why , young entrepreneurs don't wanna work dead end, minimum wage jobs. I did it for the last 7 years, with a damn disability even. (well, I started at...
  13. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Beautiful color!! Nice clarity. 3,4 weeks I'll have some phresshh mahtear-re-al .... Should be purdy like that^
  14. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Also? That hood? Is that custom made? Pretty neat brah. Pretty friggen neat. I'm stealing that idea... And I'll give you royalties. :)
  15. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Looking good Guz I had some Snow Cap crossed with Durban Poison.. Forum cut known as Durcap. I loved that strain.. :) Lemme get a cut? I'll stop by
  16. Sirdabsalot462

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    @My brother Twitch .. Great fucking post(s).. For fucks sake... We all gave a fairly nice response to a question in which should NOT be posted on an OPEN FREE PUBLIC forum. Then the guy talks shit... Not only about the responses to his dumb inquiry... But then continues on, dogging on...
  17. Sirdabsalot462

    Killing Oil Prices

    Haha.. I was going to comment on the tool bag full of vape pens too. I use eyeglasses cases for my collection of pens. Props to Double J indeed!! You ever get your yield dialed in yet? I know it's gotta take some practice. You know? I keep seeing these commercials for ” Soda Stream” I think...
  18. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Thought I'd post a pic of the joint I smoke right about now every night... With the hash and weed it was 2.0 grams even. The lighter is for scale, tared and weighed, couldn't get the digital #s though. It's an unknown Kush and LSD. Fantastic duo with hash. Time for laughs.
  19. Sirdabsalot462

    Cloud 9 all day

    Cloud 9 all day
  20. Sirdabsalot462

    Real Chemistry

    And who the hell is the Jason you keep rambling about? Seriously, this guy has mental issues... I can picture you just mumbling ”...blah..blah.. arghhh that Jason!!..mumble mumble... Co2... Mumble...boast pics..mumble...vessel..mumble.. co-solvent...mumble..ethanol JASON!!!” Haha... What...