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  1. Sirdabsalot462

    Real Chemistry

    I like how your finally coming to terms with yourself... Acceptance is the first step. :) You need to watch your language DUDE, and change your attitude, internet tough guy. Dude,... You are disgusting, nobody likes you.
  2. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I too LOVE smoking a FATTY joint packed full of hashish... I take the hash and literally massage it into the broken up weed... I usually light it up at the start of Family Guy on Adult Swim... It's AWESOME....dabs just knock me silly...flower and hash, and the caps... I fucking act like...
  3. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Pics? Well.. Since we are discussing ” eating” oil/hash.. These are the real deal, knock your ass in the dirt... ” am I trippin'?” Edible cannabis.. The caps are stored in the freezer, so the colors are off, because it's frozen... But thawed out the oil is golden/yellow. Left to right 125 mg...
  4. Sirdabsalot462


    You need to have an isolation ball valve between the vac and the port.... Negative pressure inside the chamber, will draw pump oil into your chamber. Damn bro.... Sorry to say, but that batch is ruined. 3$ ball valve... Also the chamber should be elevated higher than the pump. Put the pump...
  5. Sirdabsalot462


    How big is your chamber mang? Oz O oil in a small chamber, won't work... How thick is the slab? Your elevation? Sea level? Subtract approximately 1” of Mercury for every thousand feet of elevation. I'm in Co.Springs my gauge pegs at 22.5 Try taking at least half the oil out and set it...
  6. Sirdabsalot462

    Killing Oil Prices

    Um..... @ Grow Goddess...... Beautiful plants, beautiful oil.... Rides Motorcycles, Grows Dank Ganja, makes killer oil and pops RSO on the regular. If I wasn't married..... :) I kinda gotta a crush on you. :) Kudos Girl!!!! I tip my hat . Edit: Not to mention how you pimp slapped ole poomkr.
  7. Sirdabsalot462

    High 24 hours a day 365 per year, where's mah torch?

    High 24 hours a day 365 per year, where's mah torch?
  8. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Man, it would be EPIC if we could all get together, the Contributors that is... Oh Gawdd ...there would be a serious dabathon. I got the enail rig, so it's gotta happen at my place.. :)
  9. Sirdabsalot462

    Real Chemistry

    Damn, is everything you own dirty? meh... Shit... Nevermind...
  10. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Well , huh... Uh....? Good Morning Hash & Oil lovers, producers and consumers. N-butane is Organic, it's a natural gas that exists in the atmosphere we breath everyday. It's the concentrate Section guys. With each process, they have their pros & cons just like everything else in life...
  11. Sirdabsalot462


    No problem my friend. He breaks it down really well, and his suggestions and techniques usually will get the consistency you desire. Keep in mind different strains and the age and quality of the starting material plays the biggest role. So his specific” recipes” per se, may need some tweaking...
  12. Sirdabsalot462

    Dabs wont let me get high smoking weed

    Lol @Colonugs... From the title of your thread...many peeps call me ” dabs” And I was all.. ” what the hell do I have to do with him getting, high?” Haha Thought that was funny, but I'm just stoned.
  13. Sirdabsalot462

    Dabs wont let me get high smoking weed

    Diversity diversity.. I went damn near a full year exclusively dabbing. No flower at all for that entire time. Social gatherings, the joint would come my way and I would scoff at it...haha. Then, I started growing... Changed everything, learned to appreciate cannabis in all capacities. I...
  14. Sirdabsalot462


    It's not the fact that they are ” dumb questions” The only dumb question is the question that doesn't get asked. But, you are trying to dive into the ocean before learning how to tread water, let alone swim.
  15. Sirdabsalot462

    TIPS ON PURGE Very simple, but well written tutorial, SS makes A LOT of oil. Please research first, then we will be more than happy to help with the ”purge tips”. Understand, this process is VERY...
  16. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Second half of the DVC run.. 15.7 grams. The aroma is just... so floral, piney, fruity with that VERY distinct Cheese note. Forgot a landscape pic...
  17. Sirdabsalot462

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    While I admire your ambition, I don't understand what this^ post means. Wholesale ozs of GOOD wax will run at least 4- 6 bills each. And you say.. ” killer wax” And finished in 8 hours? Like I said.... Love your ambition. But lets be realistic, seriously... Making that” killer wax” takes...
  18. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Ha!! I was wondering if anybody would pick up the.... ” Boner Inducing” Colo... I love that you can achieve those purdy extracts using Organic Alcohol. Vodka is organic right?.. At least in comparison to the commonly used Iso, and Butane extractions. Do you vac? Didn't you use to/still...
  19. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I still watch the old episodes sometimes...haha It brings back sooooo many childhood memories. I remember, I begged my Mom to buy me the damn claw sheath (can't recall the name of it now) and the Sword Of Omens. Had all the action figures, including their weapons. God, I wish I had kept that...
  20. Sirdabsalot462

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    You will develop a natural instinct to when your product is finished pmpmstrb. It will take some time, but you will get there. Until then. Visually, Honey comb can be deceptive, but you don't want it looking ” wet”... Greasy wet is okay. But it should have a powerful aroma, you should be able...